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Happy Anniversary, President Drone!

By mike flugennockSaturday - January 25th, 2014Categories: Afghanistan, Middle East, Obamarama, war and peace, War on Terror

It was five years ago this week — this past Thursday, to be exact — that President Sparkle Pony kicked off his murderous drone warfare campaign. Not even a week in office, and already we had some change — you’ve got to give him that.

So, I was reading this article over at the Bureau Of Investigative Journalism and saw this graph showing President Sparkle Pony’s massive escalation of remote-control murder compared to President Chimp, and on viewing the layout of the bars showing the figures for Obama, I couldn’t help noticing something…

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Follow the Bureau Of Investigative Journalism on Twitter.

…and, here’s some more of El Presidente’s dronetastic moments from days gone by:

“Well, Waddya Know?” December 2013
“I Have A Drone” January 2013
“I Am The Joker” July 2012
“My Little Party” February 2012
“Are You In?” April 2011
“Yes, We Can!” October 2010

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Well, waddya know?

By mike flugennockThursday - December 19th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, media, Obamarama, right wingnuts, War on Terror

I don’t know if this helps any, but… ho, ho, ho.

Am I the only one out here who’s sick to goddamn’ death of seeing the US Left wasting its time getting its panties in a twist over this whole phony-assed “is Santa Claus white or black” controversy? Am I the only one out here who’s fed up watching the US Left letting some bimbo at Fox News push its buttons with the same old standard-issue Culture War horseshit?

Is Santa Claus white or black? Ask me if I give a shit. Honestly, with all the really important stuff going on, why is the US Left wasting time fighting with Megyn Kelly over this crap?

Get a grip, willya? Idiots.

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By mike flugennockMonday - December 16th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, liberty, media, Obamarama, War on Terror

The past couple of weeks have seen many memorable moments in all the pomp and ceremony marking the passing of Nelson Mandela, but none as memorable as this indelible image of three world leaders keeping it classy at the Mandela memorial service last week.

And now, Mandela has finally been laid to rest in his ancestral village — and not a moment too soon, as I don’t know if I could’ve stood much more of the hypocritical spewage from the leaders of the nations who funded and armed the apartheid regime and conspired to keep Mandela imprisoned for nearly three decades.

Some of the most breathtaking spewage had to have come from that inimitable mass murderer and concentration camp operator, our very own Barack “Dronemeister” Obama:

“We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again.  So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set…”

President Sparkle Pony has actually said something truthful here, if only by accident. If the likes of Mandela were emerging today, he’d likely have made it onto Obama’s “Disposition Matrix” if he hasn’t already been smeared in a drone strike while he attended a friend’s wedding. Either that, or he might be rotting in Guantanamo right now.

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Was George W. Bush Really That Bad?

By mike flugennockMonday - April 29th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, Bushit, Iraq, liberty, media, Obamarama, War on Terror

So we know President Bush the man. And what President Clinton said is absolutely true — to know the man is to like the man, because he’s comfortable in his own skin. He knows who he is. He doesn’t put on any pretenses. He takes his job seriously, but he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He is a good man.
-Barack Obama, speaking at the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, 04.25.13

The dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library this week gave the US media a chance to engage in one of its current favorite pastimes: rehabilitating the public images of thoroughly loathsome and reprehensible public figures. They’d hardly had time to catch their breath after canonizing Margaret Thatcher before it was time for their toughest challenge ever — rehabilitating George W. “The Decider” Bush. Yeah, that’s right, it’s Shark Jumping Time.

Y’know the worst thing about this wretched speech, though? He’s paraphrasing Bill Clinton, f’cripesake. Between this and the Thatcher veneration and Chelsea Clinton interviewing the GEICO Gecko, I’d say this pretty much indicates the death of the US media.

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For your further entertainment, here’s a couple of classic op-ed stinkburgers from the Washington Post from this past week. Feel their sliminess wash over you.

“George W. Bush, A Principled President”, Michael Gerson, Op-Ed Scribbler; author, Heroic Conservatism, The Washington Post, 04.25.13

“George W. Bush Is A Victim Of A Rush To Judgement”, Stephen Knott, Professor, U.S. Naval War College, The Washington Post, 04.25.13

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