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“What Is HIMARS?” An Infographic

By mike flugennockThursday - June 9th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, war and peace

“What is HIMARS?” asked an Al Jazeera “Explainer” feature about a week or so back, and it actually got me seriously wondering… what IS the High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System? I mean, like — what exactly the hell goes into this beast? Didn’t take much searching and reading to reach the answer fairly quickly — our COVID relief, our universal healthcare, our minimum wage raise, our student debt cancellation, our eviction moratorium…

…and with that in mind, to clear up all the brouhaha about these death factories we’re selling to the Nazi-infested Ukrainian state, I offer this meticulous infographic, precisely labeled, detailing the features of this helping hand we’re extending to all those feisty little old Ukrainian ladies hunkered down in their basements, mixing up the Molotovs and learning how to handle an AK.

(continue reading…)

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Night Of The Living #StandWithUkraine

By mike flugennockFriday - May 27th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

While y’all were hanging your Ukrainian flags out in front of your houses and putting little Ukrainian flags in your Facebook profile fotos and screaming about the dirty Rooskies and chewing rags over those poor little old Ukrainian ladies mixing Molotovs in their basements, this is what happened to your unemployment benefits extension and your rent relief and your eviction moratorium and your Covid “stimulus” and your healthcare.

Inspired by the top two stories in the Washington Post of May 20, above the fold like a shot and a chaser: we’re pissing your healthcare away on a NATO/US proxy war in the Ukraine, and forget about baby formula anytime soon. Love that reference to “firm public support” in the Ukraine Care Package story. Bwah hah, “public support”… what do you mean “we”, white man?

9.75 x 17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 787kb

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Blast From Yer Past, Aug 2004: “Decision 2004″

By mike flugennockFriday - May 20th, 2022Categories: Afghanistan, Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, elections, media, war and peace

While I continue getting over surgery and tryna’ get back into a drawing groove, n’shit… let’s flash back to another war that Liberals of both parties lied, blustered and bullied their asses off to drag us into… originally did this for an immediate post-election protest response in DC; it got blasted all over, but I never actually did a blog post, except for this sloppy-ass blurb on my old static html site… so, here it is. Let’s climb aboard the TARDIS, kiddies, and set the dial for the turn of the century:

After one too many mornings of watching Kerry and Bush piss-fighting over Kerry’s war record, I was begging, desperately:
Somebody, Anybody – STOP THE TORTURE of American Voters!

So, I wake up one early morning recently; as usual, my wife’s already awake and has NBC’s “Today” jabbering on the TV. In the thinning fog of my fading REM state I hear candidate John “Lurch” Kerry being interviewed, and he’s telling us how he plans to continue to uphold the corporate/military agenda, after which a Bush campaign ad denounces Lurch for being “too leftist”. I think: jeezus, it’s too damn’ early for this shit. Lurch says he’ll keep doing what the Chimp started, and the Chimp accuses Lurch of being too leftist, it’s only 7:15am, and my brain is already hurting.

Somebody, stop this torture. Somebody make it stop. Somebody, make…it…sto-oopppppp!

10×16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 620kb
10×13 inch “tortured voter” medium-res color .jpg image, 510kb

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The Mastodon In The Room: Why The Fediverse Isn’t All That

By mike flugennockSunday - May 8th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Russiagate, Ukrainamania, liberty, media, war and peace

They’re non-binary, declare their pronouns, wave their trans flags high, wear their revolutionary cred on their sleeves — and they’re ready to stomp down dissent at a moment’s notice, and be “woke” as hell while they do it.

“Don’t wanna be an American Idiot,
one nation, controlled by the media —
Information Age of hysteria
is calling out to Idiot America!”
— Green Day

In January of 2018, I found myself rooting around for alternative social media spaces shortly after receiving this note full of thinly-veiled threats from Twitter regarding my following and retweeting “Russian-influenced” accounts. All the cool kids got one.

That spring, after taking a quick peek at Gab (and a long, hot shower afterwards), I was turned on to Mastodon by a fellow “Russian dupe” on Twitter. It was during that first wave of Left voices and publications being bounced off of Twitter for “Russian influence” — i.e. contradicting the official US media party line. Of course, I got my ass over there pronto and set up a presence. I didn’t mind that the traffic was a bit thin; it was basically what Twitter would’ve been without the trolls, bots, shills, spammers and Nazis — like, detoxed Twitter.

It was sweet for those first 3 or 4 years, speaking and creating freely in that peaceful non-toxic space without the DNC trolls, clueless celebrities, shit-take-dropping pundits and Nazi instigators creating endless background noise, without the threat of mass reporting by DNC flunkies. I grew to enjoy the light traffic flow, being able to associate and converse with fellow Lefties, anarchists, socialists without having to fight through the cacophony of Twitter. Even through the percolating zaniness of this past January and February I happily passed along the latest from Grayzone, MintPress, Breakthrough News, Multipolarista, Sputmik, and RT with no problems.

Then, after 30 years of US/NATO bullying, provocation, instigation and broken US promises, Russia moved in on the Ukraine to de-nazify the place — and the hysteria in the US, already surging to fever pitch, broke loose and flooded peoples’ minds with a tsunami of Krazy surpassing even the kraziest days of Post-9/11 and Iraq War v2.0. The Western bosses’ media cranked the krazy up to 11 and busted off the knob. Meanwhile, I naively thought Mastodon and the Fediverse would provide me with a “safe space” to hunker down and shelter myself from the krazy.

Oh, what a goddamn idiot.

“Welcome to a new kind of tension
all across the alien nation
where everything isn’t meant to be OK…”
—Green Day

One morning in the middle of this past April, a couple of weeks after returning home from a month’s vacation — and an entirely separate adventure in krazy — I was greeted by this jarring message from the mods at in reference to my short series of posts containing quotes from and links to an article on Grayzone about neo-Nazi Azov Battalion involvement in the Mariupol theater bombing …accompanied by the usual — and by now, just plain banal — claims of sharing “intentionally false or misleading information” in the Grayzone article.

Now, I challenge anyone reading this to have a look at the Grayzone piece and show me anything in there that’s intentionally (or otherwise) false or misleading or anything other than the posing of honest valid questions, stating plain facts about neo-Nazi influence in Ukraine, and reporting the real situation from “on the ground” in Mariupol. It should be obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the mods at — along with virtually all US/Western corporate media — have chosen to redefine “false and misleading” as “contradicting the official US/Western media line”.

While not being actually thrown off of, I could sure as hell take a hint, and it was at this point where — as Maya Angelou reminds us — it was time to believe it when Mastodon showed me who they really were the first time not just at, but at instances all over the Fediverse. At the time, I also had a couple of other accounts running simultaneously, at and; I figured it’d be a simple matter to just migrate my followers over to kolektiva, put a redirect on the old account, and get back at it.

Oh, what a goddamn idiot.

“Well maybe I’m the faggot, America
I’m not a part of a redneck agenda —
Now everybody, do the propaganda
and sing along to the age of paranoia…!”
—Green Day

It was barely two weeks later when I got this curt notice from the mods at

Unlike the mods, the kolektiva crew’s irony-free, catchphrase- and buzzword-packed missives — they actually said “whataboutism”, f’crissake — were a little more old-skool McCarthyist, blatantly accusing me of being “pro-Kremlin” for posting news items from outlets other than Western boss media in “a very credulous way”. Oh, how I laughed — as if they and nearly everybody around me wasn’t happily guzzling US media hype and horseshit with off-scale credulity. The real howler is that in the midst of all the Red-baiting, the kolektiva mods openly admit that the RT and Sputnik reports were “more or less valid” but — well, y’know, RT and Sputnik. That’s basically all they had — the reporting was entirely factual, but it was Russian media, so they’re giving me the equivalent of five minutes to clean out my desk.

Being asked to leave a Mastodon instance with a supposed reputation for “revolutionary” thought, expression and action for posting content contradicting official Western capitalist media pegged my irony meter so hard it busted the needle off.

And this, kiddies, is why Mastodon takes the pipe big-time — not because of the underlying principles or philosophy behind it, or how their network is built, but the people. It’s a problem that’s plagued online communities ever since the days of local BBS systems and Usenet — people in positions of unaccountable authority. When you peel away all the “cuteness” on Mastodon, that’s basically what you have left — people just as heavily indoctrinated by Western capitalist media as anyone on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, happily inflicting the same kind of damage on free thought, speech and creativity. All the federated, decentralized, happy-time furry trans flag avatar “woke” goodness you can slather on isn’t worth jack if everybody there is infected with the same “disinformation” brain worms as almost everybody else in America and the Western World™.

The real “cancel culture” isn’t about some trash-mouthed racist comedian whining about being kicked off TV; it’s about the very real suppression of dissident voices on the Left by corporate media and their indoctrinated flunkies in supposedly dissent-friendly “free” spaces like Mastodon — which I’ve now realized is basically Twitter, but with dungeonmasters and “furry” art. Who need an AI — who needs an algorithm when you’ve got cadres of thoroughly-brainwashed, free open locally-sourced, real 100% organic humans beating down dissent in your space?

Mastodon ain’t all that, and “woke” is broke.

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