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Beheaded Baby

By mike flugennockSunday - October 15th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, media, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

So, like any halfway-decent vile-ass racist early-stage war hysteria, the mouth-frothing claims of rape and baby-killing always get the most mileage — as always, all the way back to the goddamn Lusitania.

You can imagine my total lack of anything resembling surprise, of course, when the claims turned out to be total bullshit served up by some IDF lackey who’d already been involved in some skanky-ass shit in the settlements.

So, finally, the CNN “journalist” responsible issues a public apology — for being caught lying on the air, AGAIN… but not after the likes of Gropey Joe Biden, the New York Post, MSNBC, Fox News, Rupert Murdoch’s rags, and everybody and their goddamn uncle have blasted it all over the goddamn world — and in the same fashion that US and Western media have always lied to promote their wars, whether it’s the Tonkin Gulf, Kuwaiti Incubator Babies, Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Yellowcake Uranium, Russiagate, the Mariupol Theatre Bombing, the Uyghur Muslims, and now this horseshit.

Oh, and of course, our gal at CNN was “misled” — always, always, they’ve been “misled”, like the Representatives and Senators who jumped aboard the Iraq War bandwagon back about 20 years ago, and had themselves a big ol’ party, thinking they had an easy win until all their shit went sideways on ’em, and suddenly they were cryin’ in the media about how they were “misled”. They knew it was a metric shit-tonne of lies and bought into it anyway — then got their asses busted, and suddenly they were “misled”, the cryin’-ass losers.

But, sure, I’M the one who’s spreading “disinformation”.

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Keep ‘Em Flying! (in solidarity)

By mike flugennockSunday - October 8th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, media, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

In the words of the immortal John Cleese, my nipples exploded with delight to hear that Palestine was punching the bullies back, and in such spectacularly and totally boss fashion.

And in totally standard fashion, Israeli state mouthpieces are screeching about how this is their Nineleven™, how Hamas came for their babies — pretty much the usual response… never fails — when you punch the bully back, the little punk runs crying to the principal. Meanwhile, at MSNBC, some clown who sounded like he was still in college mentioned how this conflict has been going on “since time immemorial”. Shame I couldn’t pull Junior aside to remind him that the Nakba occurred in 1948, within the memories of many people still living, and that 1948 is not “time immemorial” (before I smacked the living shit out of him).

I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this, but I don’t know which part of it I’m enjoying more — the idea that the resistance fighters would paraglide in, or watching one Western media babbler after another shitting themselves on the air over the fact that ZOMG THEY’RE USING PARAGLIDERS, THE BASTARDS.

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O, Kanada! (or, Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Fascist)

By mike flugennockMonday - October 2nd, 2023Categories: Bidenism, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

Between the unanimous standing O’s in the Canadian Parliament for former Waffen SS thug Yaroslav Hunka, Trudeau’s weak-ass mea culpas and their tippety-top general still refusing to apologize for applauding the sonofabitch and doubling down on the “fuck you”, I gotta say — I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this. The vaunted Western World showed us its whole entire pasty, pimply, naked ass that day, and if you still #StandWithUkraine after THIS, then I don’t know what else to say to you indoctrinated losers.

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Heard Ya’ Missed Me, So I’m Back!

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 29th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Health Care, media, Ukrainamania, war and peace

Yep, I heard Americans were kinda missing being in quarantine and out of work with no safety net; friends, family and neighbors getting sick and dying, science denialists going apeshit, government and media blaming China for everything, so here I am — back again, Amerika, right when you’re trying to stir up a world war and inflation’n’austerity are crushing the shit out of you, and your influence is cratering and you’ve just been made a global fool of and you’re cruising for comeuppance, yeah — heard ya’ missed me, so I’m back to fuck your shit up, Amerika.

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