Posts Tagged ‘vaccines’

Stealing Our Souls

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 28th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, media, right wingnuts, Trumpism

There’s a new strain of Covidiot virus going around among healthcare workers — proof that Stupid can strike any of us, though if you consider how long it takes to become a doctor vs. how long it takes to become a nurse, it all makes sense.

There have been a couple of outbreaks of the new Stupid Variant in the past week, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and in New York. A close read of the thread in which Max Blumenthal tweets the NYT article tells me, personally, that Blumenthal is about to dive down the anti-vax rabbit hole if he hasn’t already. He seems to imply at one point that PhD’s were among the most reluctant to take the vaccine, which proves nothing except that having a PhD doesn’t make you immune to the Stupid Variant — nor does not being a Trumpster.

But, back to the outbreaks of Covidiot Virus. You know how back in the 1970s and ’80s you’d read every so often about some National Geographic documentary crew going deep into the Amazon jungle or someplace and encountering some tribe that’s lived in isolation for a thousand years, and they see the cameras and video images of themselves for the first time and freak out because they think the cameras are stealing their souls? Well, how different is that from these doorknobs who think that Bill Gates is putting microchips in vaccines, or that taking cow dewormer and shitting out your stomach lining will cure Covid-19?

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A Great Day For America (or, That Aged Well)

By mike flugennockSunday - August 1st, 2021Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Health Care

Late this past spring, even while the Delta Variant was spreading in Europe and elsewhere, Gropin’ Joe went on TV in the White House Rose Garden, pulled off his mask and declared the pandemic over, calling it “a great day for America” — following later this summer with what had to be the weakest, most pointless COVID vaccine policy ever. Regular testing and a mask  requirement? That’s it? Not “get vaccinated or get fired”?

Needless to say, the Washington Post and crew were right on top of it, cranking out articles about how wonderful it is to be re-emerging, to go back to “normal”, sometimes vaguely insuinuating that people still wearing masks in the grocery store were “the new weirdos” — as opposed to the knobs who thought they were being muzzled and forced to breathe their own CO2, who were last year’s weirdos.

Yeah… that sure aged well, didn’t it? Seems that Biden & Gang are employing the same strategy Trump did after the last election.

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Vaccines Are For Cucks

By mike flugennockFriday - April 9th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, right wingnuts

I’m just going to leave this here…

“it’s crazy to watch all my California and NYC friends scramble for vaccine appointments meanwhile in Texas I get a text from the local hospital every week begging people to sign up for extra doses they have because everyone here is anti vax and so many vials are going to waste”
—abby govindan, @abbygov on Twitter 04.04.2021

“We should also open up special graveyards for anti-vaxxers . . . who die because they didn’t get vaccinated. Every gravestone ‘Thought vaccines were for cucks’.”
—Trotsky of the 21st Century, @LTrotsky21 on Twitter 04.05.2021

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