Vaccines Are For Cucks

Vaccines Are For Cucks

By mike flugennockFriday - April 9th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, right wingnutsTags:, , ,

I’m just going to leave this here…

“it’s crazy to watch all my California and NYC friends scramble for vaccine appointments meanwhile in Texas I get a text from the local hospital every week begging people to sign up for extra doses they have because everyone here is anti vax and so many vials are going to waste”
—abby govindan, @abbygov on Twitter 04.04.2021

“We should also open up special graveyards for anti-vaxxers . . . who die because they didn’t get vaccinated. Every gravestone ‘Thought vaccines were for cucks’.”
—Trotsky of the 21st Century, @LTrotsky21 on Twitter 04.05.2021

11×15 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 860kb

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