Posts Tagged ‘rafah’

Netanyahu’s Comin’ To Town

By mike flugennockSunday - June 23rd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

“The invitation of Netanyahu, signed by the ‘bipartisan leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate,’ is a political provocation against mass opposition to the genocide in Gaza, in the US and throughout the world. It is a declaration of political and moral solidarity with a murderer who has been accused by the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of war crimes.”
—from the Statement of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 06.10.2024

“All over, people changin’ their votes along with their overcoats;
If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they’d send a limousine anyway!”

—The Clash, 1977

The Editors of the World Socialist Web Site blog are calling for a mass mobilization to greet Israeli Führer Benjamin Netanyahu when he comes to slime Washington, DC on July 24 and I, for one, am absolutely down for giving this sonofabitch the welcome he deserves when he comes barging into my city.

So, here’s my contribution to the propaganda effort, complete with “your message here” space, suitable for printing — and wheatpasting — at 11×17 on any walk-up digital color copier.

11×17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb

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Now We Are All “Hamas”

By mike flugennockFriday - May 24th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror, liberty, media, war and peace

Glimpsed a headline on the front page of USA Hooray earlier this week yelling about how one of the groups organizing the campus occupations in the US was apparently under Federal investigation some time ago for (quelle horreur) connections to Hamas — like, anyone who really knows from shit is going to oppose legitimate resistance or even care if activists they know are connected to them — every doctor, reporter, student, laborer, office worker, artist, musician, football player who ever spoke up against Israeli horror is now “connected to Hamas”, apparently including my own self.

Despite the disgusting nature of the headline, I couldn’t help snickering to myself as I knew this was a prime indication that they’re losing hugely, almost none of the People believe them anymore, nothing they’ve tried to silence us has worked very well and that they’ve totally lost control — and, backed into that corner, have resorted to the old standby If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Smear ‘Em.

11×16 inch high-res color .jpg image, 2.1mb

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Dear U.S. Left: Stop Asking Me To Vote

By mike flugennockThursday - May 2nd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, elections, media, war and peace

Dear US Left:
With all due respect — I really do love ya, we’ve worked together and hit the barricades
and been ride-or-die n’all that, but — you’ve just gotta stop this shit right now, y’all, ‘cos it’s the biggest waste of time ever at this point. Seriously, for myself and all of our comrades, I’m here to tell you, you just gotta STOP IT, brah.

Stop asking us to VOTE.

Stop asking us to play in a crooked rigged casino, to participate in a phony “democracy” and vote in a useless “election” in which the candidates and platforms are already decided by the Party and the permissible issues and voices already decided by the media. Stop asking us to drag ourselves off to participate in an empty ritual in an empty institution which has achieved absolute zero.

Stop insulting our intelligence by asking us to participate in the “democracy” of a nation in which the State, the Party and Establishment institutions have at long last finally, thoroughly, utterly and completely alienated us and then relentlessly implores us to participate in their useless, capitalist media-controlled “democratic” institutions. After doing their level best to beat down and silence the dissent and outrage of billions across the nation and the Earth, they’ve got the spectacular gall to try to shame, frighten, and browbeat us into slinking back to their polls for “abortion rights” — for affluent, professional-class American women, of course; not the reproductive rights of working-class and poor women, nor immigrant women, nor Afghan or Iraqi women, and for goddamn sure not the reproductive rights of PALESTINIAN women…

(continue reading…)

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By mike flugennockSunday - April 21st, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, elections, war and peace

Been out of town for a while, been sick for a while, finally getting my tired old ass to the drawing table again.

So, I’d been noticing this #DemocratsDeliver hashtag crawling like a rash all over Facebook as the “election” freak circus cranks up, and thought I’d have some fun with it — like, yeah; I know what the Democrats “deliver”, alright.

12 x 20 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 939kb

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