Posts Tagged ‘Pentagon’

Irony Meter Busted, Film At 11

By mike flugennockThursday - February 2nd, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Economy, elections, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

So, a couple of days ago I’m taking my morning walk up and down Constitution past the Taft Carillion, and I spot a bunch of these posters splattered all over the neighborhood. Of course, while I’m obviously delighted at the sight of these, I’m amazed and confused at the use of a tweet from our shiny new Speaker Of The House regarding US military spending.

Mind you, I’m not bullshitting myself about McCarthy or anything, but the irony of a GOP House Speaker stopping the Donkeycrats from dragging us into another forever war in Big Israel is just so goddamn deee-lish that I can’t hardly stand it.

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Housing For All!

By mike flugennockThursday - December 8th, 2011Categories: Economy, liberty, Occupy

Not a whole lot to say about this one — just a solidarity shout-out to all my comrades down at Occupy DC, a salute to their efforts to build a General Assembly hall at the McPherson Square camp for use as an assembly hall and as a symbol of the need for affordable housing in the midst of rampant foreclosures and escalating homelessness.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 584kb.

Images via OccupyDC streaming video feed.

Images via OccupyDC streaming video feed.

“A Day In The Life Of The People’s Pentagon”, at (Skip the comments; it’s the usual right-wing trollage and attendant flamefest)

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Never Forget

By mike flugennockSunday - September 4th, 2011Categories: Afghanistan, Bushit, liberty, media, Middle East, Obamarama, war and peace, War on Terror

Never forget how the State used the attacks of September 11, 2001 as a pretext to shred the Constitution and encourage the escalation of police thuggery against citizens.

Never forget how the State used September 11 to encourage profiteering in the “defense” and “security” industries at the expense of citizens.

Never forget how the State used September 11 as a pretext for illegal wars and military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Never forget how the State used September 11 as a pretext for illegal imprisonment, secret courts and torture.

Never forget that the atmosphere of oppression, suspicion, paranoia and racism which has taken root in this country since September 11, 2001 has been fostered and maintained by both Republican and Democratic governments.

And last, but certainly not least…

Never forget how you, the American people, rolled over and allowed yourselves to be bullied and cowed into silence by the likes of Bush, Cheney, Obama, Ridge, Chertoff, Napolitano, Clinton, and Lieberman while they waged wars of aggression, built a gulag, committed genocide and torture and stripped away your liberty and dignity.

Never forget.
Happy Anniversary

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 800kb.

The 9/11 Conspiracists: Vindicated After All These Years? by Alexander Cockburn at CounterPunch.

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