Posts Tagged ‘Oil’

Second Line!

By mike flugennockFriday - September 10th, 2021Categories: environment

So, after getting the worst of Hurricane Ida, Louisiana is about to get the worst of the still-ongoing oil spill from somewhere in the thousands of miles of decomissioned and abandoned pipeline — previously owned and operated by who the hell knows who — on the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico.

“The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has allowed the offshore oil and gas industry to leave 97 percent of pipelines (18,000 miles) on the seafloor when no longer in use” since the 1960s, said a report issued by the Government Accountability Office earlier this year.
“Oil Leak off U.S. Louisiana Coast Continues to Spread”, TeleSUR English 09.09.2021

It’s as if they’re getting two hurricanes down there.

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Olympic-Sized Fail

By mike flugennockSaturday - November 2nd, 2019Categories: environment

“Current incident estimates published by the company say that 9,120 US barrels (383,040 gallons) or ‘approximately half the size of an Olympic-sized swimming pool’ of crude oil were released into an impacted area of 2,500 square yards…”

—Sputnik International, 11.01.2019

This past week saw the latest — the latest — rupture and spill on TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline, this time to the tune of 383,000 gallons near the town of Edinburg, North Dakota… a big ol’ Olympic-sized pool of Fail. Of course, it happened pretty much as predicted by the thousands of people who spoke up, protested, and tried to stop the pipeline from being built, and who are now designated as “terrorists” by the US Government.

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Free Gifts With Every Fill-Up

By mike flugennockSunday - January 17th, 2016Categories: Iraq, media, Middle East, war and peace, War on Terror

If you managed to tear yourself away from the US media’s 24/7 election shitshow for ten or fifteen minutes in the past month, you may have noticed that one of the biggest stories of the past month or two has been the reports of the Erdogan regime buying smuggled black-market oil from ISIS.

That’s Turkey, ostensibly our ally, buying oil from ISIS, ostensibly our enemy. Just so we’re straight on that.

And by the way, you know the current oil price slump is really hitting hard when even ISIS has to start offering free giveaway goodies with every fill-up.

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Disaster Capitalism 2.0

By mike flugennockSunday - May 10th, 2015Categories: environment, Obamarama

Why worry about the expenses of upgrading your fleet and complying with safety standards when you know you can wreck a town and get out of jail free — y’know, like BP?

…and speaking of which, here’s some more Disaster Capitalism 2.0 fuckery:
Spill Baby Spill, April 2010
Plugged At Last, May 2010

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…and, here’s the musical inspiration for this droppage:
The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, “Fire”, 1968

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