Posts Tagged ‘MSNBC’


By mike flugennockSunday - July 14th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Party Animals, elections, media

MSNBC has gone into full-on Panic Mode, peak Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Mode, completely off-scale He’s Not Dead, He’s Just Resting Mode — and I’m love, love, loving it.

I loved watching the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus blustering that Biden Is The Nominee, Dammit, He’s Playing 10-Dimensional Chess, Has X-Ray Vision And Is Just Pining For The Fjords in a desperate attempt to convince us — or mostly himself — that Genocide Joe really can see around corners, and I loved a recently-rehabbed post-MeToo Chris Matthews in fine voice, literally shouting at the viewers that Uncle Joe can slice’n'dice Trump with one hand tied behind his back and is just stunned right now, and he doesn’t want any shit about it.

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Live From Rafah!

By mike flugennockFriday - May 31st, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Party Animals, Trumpism, elections, media

Except for the occasional break to smear and low-key threaten the anti-genocide movements, MSNBC has been almost wall-to-wall with coverage of the trial of former El Presidente Donald Trump for paying off a porn actress to keep quiet about an affair.

Yep, that’s it — not anything he was responsible for in Bolivia, or Syria, or Yemen, or Venezuela, or for militarizing the southern border, or for the piss-poor Covid response, or the instigation of fascist violence, or basically for any actual serious crimes that the Democrats happily funded, helped him out with and cheered him on as he did it — just the hush money for the porn actress.

And, as one could predict by now, MSNBC’s punditocracy — and the US media at large — has been creaming its panties in front of god and everybody nearly non-stop since last night.

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Dear U.S. Left: Stop Asking Me To Vote

By mike flugennockThursday - May 2nd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Party Animals, elections, media, war and peace

Dear US Left:
With all due respect — I really do love ya, we’ve worked together and hit the barricades
and been ride-or-die n’all that, but — you’ve just gotta stop this shit right now, y’all, ‘cos it’s the biggest waste of time ever at this point. Seriously, for myself and all of our comrades, I’m here to tell you, you just gotta STOP IT, brah.

Stop asking us to VOTE.

Stop asking us to play in a crooked rigged casino, to participate in a phony “democracy” and vote in a useless “election” in which the candidates and platforms are already decided by the Party and the permissible issues and voices already decided by the media. Stop asking us to drag ourselves off to participate in an empty ritual in an empty institution which has achieved absolute zero.

Stop insulting our intelligence by asking us to participate in the “democracy” of a nation in which the State, the Party and Establishment institutions have at long last finally, thoroughly, utterly and completely alienated us and then relentlessly implores us to participate in their useless, capitalist media-controlled “democratic” institutions. After doing their level best to beat down and silence the dissent and outrage of billions across the nation and the Earth, they’ve got the spectacular gall to try to shame, frighten, and browbeat us into slinking back to their polls for “abortion rights” — for affluent, professional-class American women, of course; not the reproductive rights of working-class and poor women, nor immigrant women, nor Afghan or Iraqi women, and for goddamn sure not the reproductive rights of PALESTINIAN women…

(continue reading…)

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By mike flugennockWednesday - November 15th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Middle East, War on Terror, media, war and peace

For real, serious — the USA and Israel are obviously 110% on the wrong side of history, millions around the Earth are standing together against their butchery, and the only response that the USA, Israel and their media flunkies can muster is to basically just scream back at us to shut up and then try to pretend we don’t exist. If it weren’t so disgusting, it’d be even more hilarious; these bastards have built themselves a seriously goofy alternate reality and are determined to stay in it even while it’s collapsing on them. It’s as if they actually know how much of the Earth actually believes their shit, but it’s all they got, so they have to stick with it.

Meanwhile, yesterday saw the “National March For Israel” polluting my neighborhood — from all accounts, spit in the ocean compared to the waves of uprising going on against their fascist asses and, as I’d guessed, the likes of MSNBC were absolutely all over this horseshit this morning. I could almost smell Joe Scarborough & krew soaking their panties on the air as they swooned over that gaggle. “Politicians, celebrities, hostages’ family members joined thousands…” they gushed all morning today; the MSNBC anchor didn’t even bother to tamp down the schoolgirl pride welling up in her voice. The celebrities included alleged actress and veteran Left basher extraordinaire Debra Messing, which ought to tell you something.

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