Posts Tagged ‘Democracy’

Us And Them

By mike flugennockMonday - January 15th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

“Haven’t you heard? It’s a battle of words!” the poster bearer cried;
“Listen, son,” said the man with the gun, “There’s room for you inside!”

— Pink Floyd, “Us And Them” (1973)

Throughout MSNBC’s nonstop, never-ending, ceaseless, mind-numbing, soul-crushing, forever-grinding-on coverage of Trump’s little bullshit real-estate fraud trial, they pretty much paused only to scream and yell and bitch in befuddlement about how the Donmonster could possibly still be the goddamn GOP front-runner and bitch bitch bitch above the law and whine whine whine rule of law and snarl growl yell democracy is at stake, followed by a pivot to their illustrious GOP primary coverage in which their chirping mutant anchortarts just couldn’t shut the hell up about how Trump and the GOP’s rhetoric is about “us vs. them” and the Democrats are all about “us”.

…and all I could think of in that moment was how thoroughly the Democratic Party groundlessly scapegoated and demonized Russia for their own ineptitude and general suckage in the Easiest Slam-Dunk Election Ever In All Of Recorded Human History Including The Lascaux Cave Paintings, and how just how much of the Democratic Party’s attitude and general M.O. involves demonizing, scapegoating and otherizing — whether it’s people calling out their Russiagate sham, their idiotic policy decisions or their collaboration with fascists, or pretty much anyone on the left calling out their poor record with ethnic minorities, students, the working class, the poor, or pointing out their long-established reputation for warmongering, you can pretty much count on the Democrats to stand on their record, no matter what.

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Barbie Anchorbabe presents: The BarbWire

By mike flugennockMonday - April 17th, 2023Categories: elections, media, Party Animals, Trumpism

Those of you who know me well enough have heard me often joke about my now-customary Daily Accidental Random 15 Seconds Of MSNBC. For the past two weeks or so, it’s been the Donald Trump Indictment Show almost 24/7, to the exclusion of everything else going on in the world — uprising in France, poisoned air and water in Ohio and Indiana, Pentagon leaks exposing Amerika’s ugly naked ass over its action in Ukraine, you name it.

One morning about a week or so back, for the entire 15 seconds it took me to bring in Mrs. F’s coffee and Washington Post to the master bedroom, the babbling anchorbabe creaming her panties over the Trump indictment must’ve burbled the word “democracy” at least a dozen times. Normally, I’d suggest a drinking game, but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for anyone ending up in the ER after trying to throw back a shot every time some talking Barbie doll queefed out the word “democracy” on MSNBC.

The really hysterical thing is that — as per usual in this goddamn town — the Pushing Wing of the Party is more than willing to instigate the arrest and trial of a former guy — uhh, former President who leads the Shoving Wing of the Party, but not for any actual crimes against the People, as the leaders of the Pushing Wing of the Party are entirely complicit and would expose themselves. So, a cheap-ass sex scandal it isagain.

And what especially sucks is that the sonofabitch will never, ever see the inside of a prison cell for any crime ever, because the Democrats need him to run against. Hell, why provide a viable progressive alternative when you can just make up an enemy to jerk the Left back into line, amirite? LBJ never went to trial for any crimes, or Nixon, or Reagan, or Clinton — hell, George W. Bush not only never stood trial for his crimes, he got a goddamn one-man show at the Kennedy Center. Bah, fuck art.

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I Voted, no. 3

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 2nd, 2022Categories: 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals, right wingnuts

Apropos of nothing, presented without comment.

With thanks to Stephanie Hofeller.

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Sorry About The Airport

By mike flugennockFriday - August 16th, 2019Categories: Globalization, media

If the fact that this and the previous “revolution” in Hong Kong have been backed by the National Endowment for Democracy and “Freedom House”, and the fact that current “pro-democracy” leaders have been peeped meeting with US Consulate officials, and the fact that the mob in Hong Kong have been spotted waving US flags and singing “Star-Spangled Banner” – not to mention that most of the signs are in English – perhaps the fact that the Hong Kong “revolutionaries” are getting big fat shout-outs from Nikki Haley should convince you that the “revolution” in Hong Kong is a massive, bogus US-backed astroturf show.

This past Tuesday, a mob affiliated with the “revolution” in Hong Kong took over the international airport and brought the chaos, confronting police and causing spectacular disruptions in air travel. The real kicker was when the “revolutionaries” spent the next day greeting travelers at the airport wearing symbolic eye bandages in solidarity with an injured comrade, holding signs apologizing for the previous day’s havoc. That’s right, apologizing. Idiots, why the hell were they there, then? Isn’t that the whole point of protest? Hell, that sure was the point of getting upwards of 100,000 people into the streets of Seattle and Washington DC to bring the city to a standstill and disrupt the meetings of the WTO, IMF and World Bank. Disuption was our jam that day, f’crissake; we sure as hell weren’t apologizing for anything.

Christ, man, c’mon.

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