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Freedom Finger

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 8th, 2015Categories: DC Local, liberty

As you may recall from this past spring, my longtime comrade and BBF (Best Bud Forever) Adam Eidinger, activist extraordinaire, was jailed for basically being disrespectful to a politician at a Congressional DC Oversight Committee hearing chaired by the pompous and pasty Jason Chaffetz.

Adam’s recent trial on this bogus charge ended in a mistrial last week, and a retrial has been scheduled for May 2nd.

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We Are All French. Tough Shit.

By mike flugennockFriday - November 20th, 2015Categories: Middle East, War on Terror, media

Remember when Beirut was attacked by suicide bombers last week, and a bunch of people died, and it was all over the media, and there was a global outpouring of condolences and solidarity? Me, neither!

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Mission Accomplished, no.2

By mike flugennockFriday - November 13th, 2015Categories: Afghanistan, Iraq, Middle East, Obamarama, War on Terror, war and peace

So, Liberals… how’d that Hope’n'Change horseshit work out for you?

Here’s Obama’s “George W. Bush Moment”.

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By mike flugennockSunday - November 8th, 2015Categories: DC Local, liberty

Catharsis will be a 3 day vigil featuring a Temple of Essence that will be burned on the night of Saturday, November 21 near the Washington Monument and within eyeshot of the White House.

This ceremonial vigil is dedicated to collectively healing from the war on drugs, and is the first of its kind on the National Mall. The vigil is needed because often American society doesn’t mark a transition from a destructive and harmful policy to more compassionate one. As more voices call for an end to the war on drug users and their inhumane imprisonment, its crucial like-minded artists, activists and the community play a public role in healing and transforming to compassionate harm reduction policies.

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