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Sean Spicer’s Brain On Drugs

By mike flugennockSunday - February 26th, 2017Categories: DC Local, Trumpism, liberty, smoke-ins

Heads up for April 24, and the big Reschedule420 protest, High Noon at the US Capitol!
Stay tuned at on the Web and Twitter for more details.

Meanwhile, here’s a little quick something for the leafletters and wheatpasters out there.

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11×17 high-res color .jpg image for digital printing, 2mb

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Blast From Yer Past: “Humaniterrorism”, June 1999

By mike flugennockFriday - February 24th, 2017Categories: Clintontime, war and peace

After that remix of some old Yipster Times cartoons went so well, I thought it might be fun to find some more BFYP candidates among my old cartoons from around the turn of the century. This one has always remained a personal favorite, and is also special because it promoted the first event I ever worked on with long-time comrade and BBF Adam Eidinger of DCMJ and Prop 71 fame — the “Not A Victory Parade” protesting the US/NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999.

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Here’s the art in action, printed as a placard and carried in the march. You can see it right there behind and to the left of that boring-ass IAC/ANSWER placard.

(continue reading…)

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Peak Liberal

By mike flugennockMonday - February 20th, 2017Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, media

So, Liberals are telling us that the media who lied to us since forever are the friends of the People now, and so are the CIA.

OK, whatever, Sparky.

Aaaaaaaa-aand, that’s all I’ve got for you on this hot mess right now, folks.

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Love Didn’t “Trump” Hate…

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 14th, 2017Categories: Economy, Health Care, Trumpism, environment, liberty

It’s worth noting that in the current wave of protest following the Inauguration, the most effective and inspiring actions have been spontaneous and organic, organized and carried out by real grassroots outfits, many of whom were anarchists and other militant antifascists.

“Pussy Hats”, smarmy focus-grouped slogans, a Facebook group and a 501(c)3 are not “resistance”. Just so you know.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 863kb
inspired by the placard in this foto from the recent Berkeley antifascist actions.

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