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Tinfoil Hatter

By mike flugennockMonday - June 12th, 2017Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

Anyone who’s been paying any attention at all to what’s going on in this country knows that we’ve got a veritable buffet of issues waiting to be dealt with — healthcare, civil liberties, the neo-fascist threat, bloated war spending, police brutality, you name it.

So, what’s the Democratic Party up to? Yep, that’s right — they’re still pitching a tantrum, looking for someone to blame for their abject impotence, their sucking on toast in the last election, with their teeth clamped around their Russian hacking conspiracy theory like a dog with an old shoe.

Still blaming the Greens, the Berniecrats, the Left and the Russians, it’s looking like the Democrats are right on track to get their asses crushed again in the midterms next year. They’re going to go down hard and I, for one, am loving it.

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Regenerative Stoner

By mike flugennockMonday - June 5th, 2017Categories: environment

Hey, now, gang! It’s pop ed time!
Here’s one I did for DCMJ on the subject of “regenerative agriculture” — in this case, regenerative ag for urban gardeners; specifically, all you stoners out there in DC taking advantage of the homegrow provisions of Prop 71 to grow some house stash.

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Nobody Expects the Russia Investigation!

By mike flugennockFriday - May 19th, 2017Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, Trumpism, media

“…and now, Lt. Gen. Flynn, you shall remain in the Comfy Chair until noon recess, with only a pitcher of martinis at eleven…”

All you knobs out there who insist on comparing this circus to Watergate, please grab some bench, already. The Watergate investigation proceeded after getting hold of actual evidence; this freak show has absolutely jack, concocted by the Democratic Party nearly a year ago to explain away their aggressive failure. Nobody has any actual evidence of anything — it’s all anonymous sources saying whatever the “reporters” need to make up, Washington Post and New York Times bilge being debunked before the print editions even hit my doorstep… hell, even the “reporters” farting out this waste don’t come anywhere even resembling close to Woodward & Bernstein-level investigative reporting.

This shindig is so not Watergate, it’s not even funny; it’ll be more like a combination McCarthy witch hunt and a Monty Python Inquisition.

So, just take a friggin’ seat with that crap.

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Nah Nah, Hey Hey, Goodbye

By mike flugennockMonday - May 8th, 2017Categories: Health Care, Party Animals, Trumpism

Last week, after having their asses handed to them on the healthcare bill, Democrats in the House Of Representatives inexplicably, gleefully burst into a chorus of “nah nah, hey hey, goodbye” in response.

This was claimed to have been a sarcastic response to indicate that Conservatives would lose their seats in next year’s midterm elections because of their support of “Trumpcare”, but it was just another example of the Democratic Party’s arrogance, short-sightedness, selfishness, and utter political tone-deafness.

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