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Liberal: You’re Next!

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 7th, 2017Categories: Trumpism, media

(apologies due: James Montgomery Flagg)

Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m really not a violent guy by nature at all, but still – I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t enjoying watching Richard Spencer and other dapper US Nazi big shots being clocked in the street at foto ops. I mean, what the hell; these bastards bring guns to rallies, f’crissake, and Liberals get bent outta shape when some Antifa hangs one on Richard Spencer? Get a grip.

Still, you can’t punish the fascists without also going after the collaborators – and Liberal America is right at the top of most decent folks’ lists. I’ve always kinda hoped that once the Antifas get the Nazi issue punched out – look out, Liberals.

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Your Home Should Be A Safe Space!

By mike flugennockTuesday - October 10th, 2017Categories: DC Local, Health Care, liberty

Despite the personal possession and use of cannabis being legal in DC, residents of Federally-subsidized Section 8 public housing are prohibited from smoking in their homes. Because Congress prohibits DC from enacting Tax’n'Regulate and the DC government prohibits public consumption in bars and clubs, folks in Section 8 have the choice of risking immediate eviction and possible imprisonment by smoking in their homes, or smoking on the street and risking arrest for smoking in public, like this poor working-class slob.

It’s no wonder Section 8 is often referred to as “prison you pay rent for”.

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11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image with Oct. 31 HUD event info, 1.4mb

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Outlaw Democracy

By mike flugennockMonday - October 2nd, 2017Categories: elections, liberty

You know you’re engaging in real, actual grassroots peoples’ democracy when you bring an entire centralized government apparatus down on you in an attempt to stop the voting.

A shout-out in solidarity with the people of Catalonia from Washington, DC, the capital city of the US, where we’ve also had the Federal government try to stop us from having a referendum.

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Last Chance, Punk!

By mike flugennockThursday - September 21st, 2017Categories: Trumpism, war and peace

If you caught any of the Trumpster’s speech at the UN this past week, you’ll know that pretty much the only thing missing was him banging his shoe on the podium and yelling “we will bury you!”.

A fake war threat juiced up with sick-ass lies, a tinhorn enemy made out to be all-powerful, repeatedly screamed claims about weapons of mass destruction, bellicose threats at the UN… jeez, just when did we hear this last time, kids? Don’t everybody jump up at once…

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