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Blue Box Chardonnay

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 3rd, 2018Categories: Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, elections, liberty

Because It’s Always 2016 Somewhere In The World.

So, according to Senator Support Our Troops, the Donkeycrats are in danger of veering “too far to the left”, and that the issues Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran on — and won — would somehow “alienate” Midwesterners.

Yeah, that’s right, you heard it here first — folks in Iowa City, Flint or Milwaukee don’t give a rat’s ass about the cost of housing, education or healthcare, or about depressed wages, or collective bargaining rights, or the quality of their water.

Keep on swigging that Centrist Chardonnay, Senator.
Wine, spoh-dee oh-dee, drinkin’ wine.

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BREAKING: DNC 2020 Campaign Art Leaked!

By mike flugennockSaturday - June 30th, 2018Categories: Party Animals, elections, media

Just going to leave this here…

On pondering the “I’d like to speak to the manager” mindset popular among Liberals these days. Seems to be your basic Liberal style of activism, about as radical as they get — when they aren’t busy calling the cops on kids for running a lemonade stand without a permit or something.

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The Wine Stasi

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 27th, 2018Categories: liberty, media

By now, you’ve all heard the tale of Permit Patty, the San Francisco woman who called the cops on an 8 year-old girl for selling bottled water in front of her home; calling the cops on black kids doing normal kid stuff seems to be a big trend among the pasty these days. It’s also interesting to note that Patty is also a Hillary Girl; it figures that she’s a Demanding To Talk To The Manager kinda gal.

Talk about the banality of tyranny; the American Stasi has turned out to be a bunch of middle-aged white women with mobile phones.

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Keeping Families Together

By mike flugennockThursday - June 21st, 2018Categories: Party Animals, Trumpism, liberty

WASHINGTON — President Trump caved to enormous political pressure on Wednesday and signed an executive order meant to end the separation of families at the border by detaining parents and children together for an indefinite period.

New York Times, 06.20.18

So, Mr. T has decided not to separate immigrant children from their parents in the detention camps at the border, but to keep immigrant families together — in detention camps.

In the Democratic Party, this is known as a landmark victory.

And, needless to say, the Democrats are setting a new record for jumping on an issue and co-opting it for votes, beating their previous personal best set by the March For Our Lives.

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