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Proposed US Space Force Logo

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 18th, 2018Categories: Trumpism, space, war and peace

As most of you have heard, last week the comedy team of Trump and Pence announced an $8 billion splashdown for a new military branch, the U.S. Space Force — and are also apparently inviting submissions for the logo design.

So what are they gonna do, fight giant bugs? Actually, I’m thinking the Space Grunts are gonna be guarding Elon Musk’s gated Martian colonies for the rich.

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It’s Official: The Democrats Don’t Care

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 21st, 2018Categories: Health Care, Party Animals, Russiagate, Trumpism, environment, liberty, media

So, this makes it official: the Democratic Party doesn’t care. They aren’t running in the midterms on the issues of skyrocketing college tuition, income disparity, police terrorism and murder, or any other issues directly affecting anyone remaing who bothers to vote — they think they’re going to surf that “Blue Wave” into a majority on the Hill by ramping up the krazy on their empty, hollow conspiracy theories and bargain-basement McCarthyism.

Those of you from outside the US looking in on the state of politics and media discourse here might guess that you were watching a community theatre production of an Ionesco play, and you would be absolutely right. The worst of it, though, is that those of us living here are all pretty much trapped in the play whether we like it or not.

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UPDATED: The Raving Donkey “Tripping Balls Mix” now available as an 11×17 poster (150 dpi) and as an 11×17 meme template (72dpi). Here’s a “serving suggestion”; the recommended fonts are Gotham Book and Medium, to match Democratic Party branding. Have at it, funsters!

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Blue Plate Special

By mike flugennockMonday - July 16th, 2018Categories: Middle East, elections, war and peace

A little over a month ago, Democratic Party “rising star” (spit) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “this is a massacre”, referring to the Israeli slaughter of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. Needless to say, as soon as the establishment pushed back, she immediately started waffling her ass off and folded faster than Superman on laundry day, saying that she posted that tweet “as an activist” and not a Congressmember. However, now that she’s a member of Congress, she’s apparently willing to “learn and evolve” — which, as someone who grew up in Washington DC, I understand to mean “flip-flop”, or “do an Obama” as we say these days.

Granted, the focus of her activism was on economic issues, but still — if you’re going to run for Congress, you also need to keep up on lots of other issues as well, such as the 70 years of brutal occupation of Palestine and the Gaza Strip by Israel, and the ongoing mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza.

What especially galled the hell out of me is that initially, Ocasio belted out the straight, raw truth — but when the pushback hit, her first instinct was to backpedal rather than show some backbone and stand her ground in solidarity with the people of Gaza against Israeli barbarity. All the walking back, backpedaling and explaining she can possibly do now will do her no good because, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

At least we found out early.

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By mike flugennockSaturday - July 7th, 2018Categories: Party Animals, liberty

So, while the ICE has gone full Gestapo — separating immigrant families, caging their children — and people are in the streets taking direct action, occupying ICE offices, blocking detainee transfer buses and confronting officials in public, what are the Democrats doing? Well, along with hopping aboard the bandwagon for votes, they’re lecturing us about “civility”, with Chump Schumer and Nancy Pelosi being the worst of the bunch.

And, as usual, Democrats are waffling and mealy-mouthing, calling for “reforming”, “restructuring” and re-imagining the American Gestapo; the most irksome of all has to be Kamala Harris who, after knocking herself out defending ICE, has suddenly started talking about “re-examining” ICE. Sorry, Ms. H., but “re-examining” and “reforming” are not abolishing.

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