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The Teeth of Biden (Make Sure The Kids Hear Words)

By mike flugennockSunday - September 15th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

The Biden Train kept a-rollin’, all night long. As DNC frontrunner (cough) Sen. Joe Biden was defending the rank-ass “legacy” of his ex-boss and forgetting what he was saying halfway through his answers on the “debate” stage this week, the featured body part malfunction was the Senator’s dentures, which slipped out on the air at the worst possible moment — which is to say, pretty much every moment, from all accounts.

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The Eye of Biden

By mike flugennockFriday - September 6th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, environment, media

At Wednesday night’s Democratic Party Climate Debate candidate Joe Biden, while outlining his climate policy and declaring his opposition to a fracking ban, suffered a subconjunctival hemorrhage in his left eye, causing it to fill up with blood. More than a few folks on Twitter considered this a sign, given the former VP’s coziness with the fossil fuel industry.

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Climate Consensus (Bipartisanship no. 3)

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 27th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, environment

Just so we’re clear, here: The GOP thinks climate change is a hoax, and the Democrats think Putin can shut off our power and freeze us to death by remote control.

Oh, yeah, and the Amazon rainforest — which provides 20% of Earth’s oxygen — is still on fire.

Good; that’s sorted, then.

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Golden Showers

By mike flugennockSunday - August 25th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, Trumpism, environment, right wingnuts

So, just so we’re straight, here: Trump is pissing all over everybody, but the Democrats’ main complaint is that the GOP is behaving boorishly and insists on calling it piss – as they blow off impending global disaster and put the kibosh on a climate crisis debate.

Meanwhile, the Amazon rainforest is burning, and wildfires are raging in Africa.
The world is literally on fire and meanwhile, the Democratic Party insists “please, it’s not piss, it’s Chardonnay”.

We aren’t going to be able to “election” our way out of this. It’s time to vote in the streets.

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