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The Democrats Have Evolved

By mike flugennockSaturday - October 26th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Iraq, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

So, just to recap all the pants-crapping over Hillary Clinton’s smears of Democratic White House Wannabe Tulsi Gabbard:

- Hilldawg crawls out of woods to fling smears alleging sinister Russian influence over Tulsi Gabbard candidacy.
- Defenders rightly speak out against fresh round of baseless McCarthyist smears, citing Rep. Gabbard’s service in Iraq: “How dare you smear this glorious hero who defended our nation?”

Got it? Good, then…

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A Stinkin’ Rebellion

By mike flugennockSunday - October 20th, 2019Categories: environment, media

So, aaaaanyway… the resolute doorknobs at Extinction Rebellion have staged a protest involving spray-painting your hand red, leaving a “bloody” handprint on a government building or corporate HQ, then looking for a cop to turn yourself in. Yeah, that’s right.

This empty dipshittery follows an earlier debacle on the London Tube in which XR tried to shut down the subways, resulting in protesters being roughed up, beaten and thrown off the trains by irate commuters.

Now, I’m no tactical expert, but it seems that a subway-blocking action would go down best when you’ve reached the point where things are so bad that the streets are already full of fed-up, pissed-off people, and the general strike is already underway. Otherwise, you’re just pissing off the working class.

For further reading: Extinction Rebellion Training, or How to Control Radical Resistance from the “Obstructive Left”, at Wrong Kind Of Green, 05.06.2019

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Don’t Ask Us How We Know…

By mike flugennockSaturday - October 12th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, Trumpism, elections, media

In the midst of the Democrats’ exercise in wasting time and hoping people don’t notice what a bunch of crying-ass losers they are — uhh, that is, the impeachment inquiry, Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal remarked that no inquiry was needed, and that “…People should stop looking for a secret smoking gun. Donald Trump is the smoking gun.”

So, basically, the bunch who crashed and burned in 2016 and tanked with Russiagate are cooking up an impeachment “inquiry” that will probably drag out until the Conventions and telling us “really, trust us, we’ve got this, really this time. Don’t ask us how we know, we just know, OK?”

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Home, Dank Home (Hands Off Homegrow, no. 2)

By mike flugennockMonday - October 7th, 2019Categories: DC Local, liberty, smoke-ins

Another for my gang at DCMJ, in support of retaining legal homegrow — one of the main provisions of Initiative 71 — in DC Mayor Bowser’s Safe Cannabis Sales Act.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1mb.

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