Been out of town for a while, been sick for a while, finally getting my tired old ass to the drawing table again.
So, I’d been noticing this #DemocratsDeliver hashtag crawling like a rash all over Facebook as the “election” freak circus cranks up, and thought I’d have some fun with it — like, yeah; I know what the Democrats “deliver”, alright.
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Ve Vill Bury You!
Da, komrade, and then ve are takink kare of Moose and Sqvirrel!
Oh, f’crissake, are they shittin’ us with this mess? Are they really that desperate to take our minds off THE GODDAMN GENOCIDE? “Unspecified dire risk”? Really? Unspecified? BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAHHHH. Yeah, Russian Space Threat Emerges — straight outta the asses of “U.S. Officials”. D’AAHH HA HA HA HA HA… So, what’s next, guys — the “Missile Gap”?
Dear GOD, they really are reaching now; they couldn’t look any more desperate than they do at this point, serving up this exhumed, warmed-over, hoary-ass old McCarthy Era droolage. Why don’t they just give it the hell up?
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My Heart Will Go On
I hate to break it to the kiddies at the Dyin’ In Darkness Daily, but misidentifying the President of Egypt as the President of Mexico is NOT a “false caricature that could jell” — and neither is being nicknamed “Genocide Joe” and helping to instigate racist violence in his own country, for that matter.
All together, boys’n'girls…Nearer my God to thee…
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But… What About Abortion?
Normally, my Daily Random 15 Seconds Of MSNBC is your standard-issue eyeroll-inducing partisan babbling, but Steve Kornacki’s election report last week totally warmed my heart. Best goddamn news I’d heard in months. F’crissake, Genocide Joe is FIFTY POINTS UNDERWATER with voters 18-34, reportedly the group he needs the most to get his filthy ass re-elected. FIFTY POINTS.
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