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Capitalism is the Pandemic

By mike flugennockMonday - April 20th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Economy, Health Care, Trumpism, coronavirus, elections, environment

One in solidarity with the May Day strikes coming up, inspired by this graffiti in Chicago spotted about a week and a half ago.

Special thanks to @redfishstream on Twitter.

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Thankyuh, thankyuhvurymuch

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 11th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Health Care, Party Animals, coronavirus, elections, liberty, media

These days, when I think of the Democratic Party, I think of Elvis — old, fat Elvis.

I think of old, fat, bloated, flop-sweating, Seconal and Dexedrine-addled, flying to Denver for a peanut butter and banana sandwich, dead-on-his-feet Elvis circa late 1976.

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The Sick Man of Earth

By mike flugennockMonday - April 6th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, coronavirus

It’s damn near official: the US is the epicenter of this pandemic, in more ways than one.

The US is waging economic warfare against Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and Cuba as they struggle to contain the pandemic in their nations, even as Cuba sends doctors to assist efforts in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. The US has also attempted to block delivery of masks and respirators to Barbados, of all places.

The US Federal government is seizing shipments of masks and ventilators destined for hospitals in Massachusette, New Jersey and other states. The Governor of New York is still cutting Medicaid funds in the middle of a pandemic — and, of course, the Democratic Party is insisting on dragging voters to the polls in person for the Wisconsin Primary, despite the horrorshow in Illinois.

Acts of war, piracy, deprivation, fraud?
It should be pretty clear by now who the real “sick man” is on this planet.

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We’re All In This Together

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 4th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, coronavirus, elections, media

Whoever came up with that smarmy-ass slogan obviously has a poor sense of irony.

The State, the media, the Party, capitalism and the rich’n'famous are all in this together — against the People. And WE’RE all in this together against THEM.

So, let’s get to it, gang.

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