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Happy Putsch-aversary!

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 4th, 2022Categories: 2020 Election, Bidenism, Party Animals, Trumpism, elections, media, right wingnuts

It may have been a putsch from a Mel Brooks movie, but it was still a goddamn putsch. And what is our so-called “opposition party” doing about it? From the looks of things — much like reproductive rights — the Democrats have absolutely no plans to actually DO ANYTHING about it other than dragging their “investigation” out as long as they can so they can use it to fundraise for the midterms and for ‘24, keep the Liberals in line, and beat down the Left.

And speaking of beatdowns, why the hell aren’t Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in jail and expelled from Congress? F’crissake, they supported a goddamn fascist putsch. They’re friggin’ collaborators. Hell, Greene even gave a bunch of chuds a full recon tour. Why haven’t the Democrats tried to have them expelled from the House and thrown in the goddamn can instead of “reaching across the aisle” and all that horseshit?

It’s because the Democrats are collaborators, too.

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What’s happy about it?

By mike flugennockSaturday - January 1st, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Black Lives Matter, Economy, Health Care, coronavirus, environment

As seen from the POV of Old Father Time.

Happy New Year? Huh, what’s happy about it?
No, really; I know it’s only January 1st, but what the hell’s happy about it?

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Season’s Greetings

By mike flugennockFriday - December 24th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, coronavirus, environment

For the workers who died at a candle factory in Kentucky, and an Amazon warehouse in Illinois, for every worker forced to risk their life without proper protective gear or healthcare, in the middle of a pandemic and a tornado, to keep the profits coming in and the supply chain stocked so we can buy our daughters a Fighter Pilot Barbie for Christmas… Season’s Greetings from Capitalism.

“The bosses won’t keep us safe; they only care about profit. Workers are the only ones who know what is safe and what is not. We should decide whether to continue working or not. For that purpose, we need to fight for Health and Safety Commissions to be set up in all workplaces that will function independent of the bosses, that are democratically elected, and that can organize to impose protocols and shut down production when necessary.

Not one more dead worker at the hands of the bosses! Our lives are worth more than their profits!”

Left Voice, 12.14.2021

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…in the headlights

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 21st, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, coronavirus

Yep, that’s right, kiddies. You heard right — they actually looked us right in the face and said they didn’t see it coming. Cripes, everybody else and their dog saw it coming; it was on the TV and the papers and the Internet for weeks, months. Same with Delta.

Really — the leaders of the most powerful nation on Earth, with a metric buttload of information and resources at their disposal, didn’t see the latest’n'greatest Covid variant coming? Y’mean, they couldn’t get hold of somebody at the WHO, the CDC, the NIH, the Salk Institute who actually knew a thing or two about virology who could’ve thrown them a heads-up? If there’s nothing else Anthony Fauci ever did that was worth a yard sign, this was it.

So, they didn’t see it coming? Uh huh. I’m thinking there’s something else that bunch isn’t going to see coming, either.

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