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Hey, Liberals! Ready for Inauguration Day?

By mike flugennockThursday - December 20th, 2012Categories: Economy, Obamarama, Party Animals

Well, there’s another Inauguration Day coming up soon, and that means upwards of a million of you poor, deluded clowns will be infesting my home town for two or three days.

I just hope that the latest deal Obama’s floating to keep us from going over the phony “fiscal cliff” doesn’t throw any cold water on your festivities. You know which deal I’m talking about here: the one that keeps the tax cuts for the rich in place, and cuts Social Security benefits.

Yeah, that’s right, your glorious hero has sold you all out again, but if I know you, you’ll be bound and determined to not let it keep you from enjoying your big moment — though it might be a good idea to start right away acquiring a taste for cat food:

“While some people have tried to foster a myth of the elderly as a high living population, the facts don’t fit this story. The median income of people over age 65 is less than $20,000 a year. Nearly 70 percent of the elderly rely on Social Security benefits for more than half of their income and nearly 40 percent rely on Social Security for more than 90 percent of their income. These benefits average less than $15,000 a year.”
–Dean Baker, “Is Obama About To Cut Social Security?”, Institute for Public Accuracy, December 18, 2012

Still, I know this is an important day coming up for you, Liberal America, so by all means, have yourselves a time. Enjoy my home town. Enjoy the historic monuments. Enjoy the parties and balls. Enjoy celebrating four more years of Hope And Change.™

Choke on it.

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Supersize The Revolution

By mike flugennockMonday - December 3rd, 2012Categories: Economy

Not a whole lot to say about this one, other than here’s a big ol’ steaming slab of solidarity with the strikers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King who walked out last week.

While we’re at it, it’s also worth noting that things are really bad here when the Los Angeles Times refers to the strikes at Wal-Mart and fast food joints as “labor unrest”:

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Green Friday

By mike flugennockSaturday - November 24th, 2012Categories: Economy, Globalization, Health Care, Occupy

Yesterday morning, an estimated 400 or so union members, activists, students, and just regular old folks visited Wal-Mart stores in Hyattsville and Laurel, Maryland, in surburban DC, to protest in solidarity with Wal-Mart workers striking nationwide over pay, benefits, and the management intimidation of workers speaking out about the issues they face every day while working at Wal-Mart.

Find out more at

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Star-Spangled Banner

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 21st, 2012Categories: Middle East, Obamarama, Palestine, War on Terror, war and peace

Earlier this week, our Predator drone-wielding Nobel Peace Laureate President, Mitt Obama, took time out from sucking up to Asian dictators to piss and moan about missiles being used against civilians, and to reiterate his support for Israel’s right to defend itself with F-16s, tanks, guided missiles, cluster bombs and tac nukes against people with glorified bottle rockets, truck bombs and automatic rifles.

While utterly disgusting, it’s nonetheless not surprising, when you consider his kiss-up speech to the AIPAC conference early in his 2012 re-election campaign, and his conspicuous silence on earlier Israeli brutality in Gaza while awaiting his coronation in 2009.

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