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Freedom Isn’t Free

By mike flugennockFriday - July 17th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Getting up to date in our Thinning Out The Stupid Gene Department: Florida, gung-ho for reopening, beaches crowded as hell, has set a new one-day record for new COVID19 cases; even as one state after another begins mandating mask use, the governor of Georgia has stuck a blow for freedom by barring municipalities from mandating masks and, elsewhere in the Covidiot Universe, the co-founder of ReOpen Maryland — one of many groups standing up for our Constitutional right to manicures and ice cream — tested positive for COVID19 just a couple of weeks ago.

But as it’s often said — Freedom Isn’t Free.

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Jazz Hands

By mike flugennockFriday - March 13th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, coronavirus, environment, Health Care, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

JEEEzus H.W. motherfucking CHRIST. Motherfuckers came right out and said it — “We are flying blind”. In the USA right now, they’ve tested maybe 11,000 people nationwide, a bunch of which are members of a goddamn professional basketball team.

In China, they built a goddamn hospital in six days to deal with this shit. SIX MOTHERFUCKING DAYS. In the US, we’re lucky to have tested 11,000 people NATIONWIDE; meanwhile, in Korea, they’re testing 20,000 people per day. Got that, boys’n’girls? TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE PER MOTHERFUCKING DAY.

“Flying blind”, they tell us — and all they’ve got to offer us is “social isolation”, elbow-bumping and “jazz hands”. This goddamn country doesn’t have a clue how to deal with a problem if we can’t fucking BOMB it.

Shit, man — shove your jazz hands up your jazz ass.

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Media, Bloody Media

By mike flugennockThursday - January 9th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, media, Middle East, right wingnuts, Trumpism, war and peace

Not even in the sickest depths of Iraq War v2.0 did I hear anyone in the media quite this wide-open raving, drooling and horny for war as ex-White House henchman and current right-wing radio howler Sebastian Gorka. Dude totally sails over the edge of the Earth, comes around the other side, proclaims the US to be a “hyperpower”, then sails over the edge again on — who else but — Lou Dobbs’ program on Fox Business.

The guy is scum to the bone — just check him out for a few seconds — but you still have to give him credit for having the sheer naked cajones to come right how and declare how horny he is for war in the public media. Dude’s not even hiding it; big ups for that, at least.

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The Bible Returns To The Palace

By mike flugennockSunday - November 17th, 2019Categories: Globalization, liberty, right wingnuts, war and peace

Judging from the torrent of racist, religious fundamentalist howling coming from Bolivia’s new imaginary president, it looks as if the US-backed fascist junta in Bolivia are using the same standard procedure as when the Spanish first showed up — steal the land, plunder the resources, slaughter the indigenous people and claim that god is on your side.

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