So… in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, a rightist “opposition” leader who’d never actually run in the recent Presidential election, just out of nowhere declares himself “Interim President” and swears himself in, and the US is apparently ready to support this doorknob in a coup attempt against Nicolas Maduro, a Bolivarist who actually ran for President, won the election, and was actually sworn in as the actual President this past week.
Just so we’re clear on that, folks, next time CNN or somebody drops another “bombshell” about the Russians “meddling” in our “elections”.
Speaking of which, why the hell didn’t Hillary think of this? Why didn’t she just swear herself in? Cripes, she wouldn’t quit screaming about how she won the goddamn popular vote; why couldn’t she rustle up Lawrence Lessig or Laurence Tribe or one of those other Harvard Law knobs to administer the oath and just swear her own insufferable ass in?
Emoluments, 25th Amendment, Russia, bah! Have Ruth Bader Ginsburg swear her in on a copy of In Takes A Village, get Macron, May, and a couple of other EU neoliberal Blue Meanies to recognize her, and badda-bing, El Presidente.
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