Back about a month ago, Capitol Hemp was inundated in the Great Bongwater Flood Of 2016. After about a week’s worth of bailing, vacuuming and clean-up, the shop was back in business.
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If you’ve noticed, in the past few years, that the behavior and tactics of American police resemble those of Israeli police and soldiers, you’d be right — and these tactics have come into even sharper focus with the murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Minneapolis, Minnesota recently.
Military occupation tactics, collective punishment, terrorizing and brutalizing neighborhoods, shooting kids for throwing stones — filthy, bloody Israel taught U.S. police everything they know.
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“Israel-trained police ‘occupy’ Missouri after killing of black youth”
Rania Khalek, Electronic Intifada 08.15.14
“From NYC, Ferguson To Baltimore, American Police Are Trained In Apartheid Israel”
Kit O’Connell, MintPress News 05.15.15
“U.S. Police Routinely Travel to Israel to Learn Methods of Brutality and Repression”
Justin Gardner, Free Thought Project 08.30.15
In his high school days in Hawaii, Barack Obama hung out with a circle of friends nicknamed “the Choom Gang” — “choom” being Hawaiian slang for smoking marijuana. Almost all the students in this group went on to be entirely productive and successful citizens — writers, lawyers, businessmen and, of course, President of the United States.
This is by way of reminding everybody out there that cannabis is still listed by the DEA as “Schedule 1”, along with meth and heroin, and that Obama could start the descheduling process for marijuana himself instead of passing the buck to Congress. Obama himself is living proof that cannabis should be descheduled; his legacy could only be improved by ending a program of persecution based entirely on the deceptions and racism of Harry Anslinger and Richard Nixon.
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At last report, 22 veterans a day are committing suicide due to depression and other post-traumatic stress. Today, DCMJ and the Weed For Warriors Project threw a Smoke-In and Die-In at Lafayette Square in front of the White House. “Easier access does not equal EQUAL access” said WFW’s Brandon Wyatt, an Iraq War veteran and attorney who uses cannabis to heal his PTSD.
"22 A Day" Cannabis Protest for Vets, White House from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.
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