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#SmokeSessions Returns to #ShowSessions

By mike flugennockFriday - December 9th, 2016Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, Trumpism

#ShowSessions on Capitol Hill, Dec 08 2016 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Like MacArthur, they said they’d return, and they did. As advertised, the “Russell Building Posse” paid a repeat visit to the office of Senator and AG nominee Jeff Sessions to “show’n’tell” his media director the plant and people he railed against with his “good people” remarks about marijuana.

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“Smoke Sessions” hits Capitol Hill

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 29th, 2016Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty, Party Animals, Trumpism

And so it was that activists from the DC Cannabis Coalition convened at the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, to discuss the Senator’s recent remarks that “good people don’t smoke marijuana”…
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Bad People: An Infographic

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 23rd, 2016Categories: elections, Health Care, liberty, right wingnuts, Trumpism

“Good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
– Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-AL, Trump AG nominee

So, roughly speaking, that’d be maybe 60 million people in at least half the states in the country that voted for the decriminalization or legalization of cannabis for recreational and/or medical use? Wow, that’s a whole lot of bad people.

From the latest at

Donald Trump has tapped one of the biggest prohibitionists in Congress to be the Attorney General of the United States: Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Earlier this year the Alabama Senator said “good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and while we don’t know yet if he’ll respect states rights (or DC’s rights since we are not a state) or if he’ll do what John Ashcroft did as George W. Bush’s Attorney General: raid lawful cannabis grows, raid lawful dispensaries, and even go so far as crack down on paraphernalia vendors. Let’s not forget why Tommy Chong went to jail and why history may repeat itself if we don’t act NOW!

8.5 x 11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 696kb

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Catharsis 2016: Our Journey Home

By mike flugennockFriday - October 7th, 2016Categories: DC Local, liberty

Soon it’ll be time for our second Catharsis On The Mall, a gathering for compassion and healing, featuring art, speakers, music, and storytelling, culminating in the “temple burn” ceremony, the only such event officially permitted on the Mall.

Here’s the details, from the Catharsis Web site:

Catharsis on the Mall’s 2016 art theme is dedicated to those who have experienced traumatic stress and their journey home.

We experience traumatic events that displace our mind, fracture our lives, and violate our perceptions. One moment can cause such upheaval, that it might seem impossible to return to that safe place we once knew. When our lives are ripped asunder, and we are left to pick up the pieces and stitch them back together, the struggle to recenter and find yourself feels insurmountable.

Traumatic stress was written of in 760 BCE by the Greek poet Homer, in the Iliad and the Odyssey, and studied by the historian Herodotus in 490 BCE. It has been present in every war ever fought. It has been present in every community that experiences rape, brutality, oppression, and systematic violence. Violence and disaster can have lasting impacts on body and mind…

…We gather to celebrate wellness and reintegration. We gather for art and community. We gather to shake free from the stigmas of surviving. We gather to honor and support those who travel this road alongside us. We gather to end the silent suffering of millions. We are on the journey home together.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 984kb

Special thanks to Michael Verdon for letting me crib off of his temple altar sketches.

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