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Christ The Redeemer (after Paul Landowski)

By mike flugennockMonday - October 15th, 2018Categories: elections, Globalization, right wingnuts, Trumpism

To nobody’s surprise, as part of its long-standing tradition, the Wall Street Journal has endorsed fascist Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s upcoming Presidential elections. This is a politician so horrible that even Marine Le Pen won’t touch him with somebody else’s ten-foot pole.

“Forgive them, Father – but get me the hell out of here!”
–Christ the Redeemer

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Blast From Yer Past: “A16”

By mike flugennockFriday - April 13th, 2018Categories: Economy, environment, Globalization, liberty, media

Oh, that good old Spirit Of Seattle. Turtles’n’Teamsters everywhere.

The mood and solidarity between different parts of The Movement — folks like old-skool unionists and environmentalists discovering common goals and realizing they were fighting the same fight against the same enemy — were electric and invigorating in the months following Seattle, and none quite like the personal charge I got when, just a couple of weeks afterwards, I saw the action call posted in alt.activism for the April IMF/World Bank Mobilization in Washington, DC, for April 16, 2000 — the now-legendary “A16″.

Blast From Yer Past: "A16" IMF/WorldBank Mobilization, 04.16.00 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

At last, no more watching for little shreds of TV coverage, of scouring another city’s IMC postings — the revolution circus was coming to my town, and I was going to actually be in it, and photographing and taping it, and telling the story of that week for everybody else out there… and, the wheatpasting. Oh, yeah, the wheatpasting…

(continue reading…)

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Pretty Vacant

By mike flugennockSaturday - June 25th, 2016Categories: Economy, Globalization

“There’s no point in asking, you’ll get no reply…!”

So, yesterday I’m watching and reading the ongoing coverage of the Brexit vote — watching “Leave” win by something like 4% — but what really got me going was the discussion of the ripple effect through the rest of Europe, as other countries watched the UK bail and thought “Hell, if the Brits can do it, why not us…?”

It’s also worth noting here that the discussion couldn’t really be broken down into a strictly either/or division, despite most media trying to forcibly break it down to “good Lefties vote Remain” and “only Rightist Trumpsters vote Leave”. I started out buying into that because the mainstream US media were beating the living crap out of that riff, but the more foreign and dissident media I read, the more nuances became evident.

In the end, I think it might be a good thing, and that this might actually work out well for our side, simply because I can’t think of a single kind of substantive, revolutionary change that didn’t require chaos, tumult and upheaval — the old “breaking eggs to make an omelet” thing. And man, am I ever hungry for a nice omelet right now.

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Water On Mars!

By mike flugennockMonday - September 28th, 2015Categories: environment, Globalization, space

As excited as I am about the discovery of liquid water on Mars, I still can’t help wondering… will the first humans on Mars be a bunch of Nestlé workers with a big drilling rig?

After all, let’s not forget that the CEO of Nestlé thinks that water isn’t a human right, and should be privatized.

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