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Gold Star Mother

By mike flugennockFriday - August 5th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, Iraq, media, Party Animals

So, about a week or so ago, The Donald queefed out yet another classic Tourette’s outburst about how he “sacrificed” during the Iraq War by “employing thousands and thousands of people” in response to remarks at the Democratic Convention by Khizr Khan, father of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, killed in Iraq in 2004, about how The Donald “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

The Democrats, always on the lookout for an issue to exploit, started up a good old-fashioned flag-waving contest, yelling to anyone who’d listen about patriotism and sacrifice. Gotta give ’em credit, though; they managed to find the perfect non-issue to distract the media from all the leaks of DNC emails detailing their campaign of fraud and deception against Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination. And it’s always good to see that Liberals love Muslims — as long as they’re willing to die for the Empire.

And speaking of sacrifice, I’m guessing Chelsea was too busy studying to become a hedge fund manager to do any sacrificing.

Jacket and M4 Carbine Ensemble by Giorgio Armani, $100b.

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Delete Your Account

By mike flugennockMonday - June 13th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party Animals

So, anyway, about a week or so ago, Donald Trump had one of his usual bigoted Tourette’s outburts on Twitter — nothing of note, really — to which the Clinton campaign responded curtly, “Delete your account”. Obviously, it wasn’t the Ice Queen herself, but some mouthy intern who probably thought she was being all cool and edgy n’stuff.

Delete your account, I thought… was it perhaps really a command to the People to forget everything they know about the Clintons? You know, like:

Delete your account of Hill’n’Bill’s excellent adventures in Serbia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sudan?

Delete your account of Hillary’s tenure on the Board Of Directors of Wal-Mart, whose reputation with workers has been in the toilet for years?

Delete your account of Hillary carpetbagging her way into a New York Senate seat, where she accomplished exactly nothing except to build out the infrastructure for a Presidential campaign?

Delete your account of Hillary’s support for the Patriot Act, the War On Terror, and the disaster in Iraq?

Delete your account of Hillary’s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement?

Delete your account of Hillary’s remarks to the board of Goldman Sachs, for which she received $670,000? An average speech, for Hill, considering how much she and Bubba get per speech on any given speaking tour. Six-seventy large, man — in some parts of this country, that’d still buy you a house.

That’s just a slice of the lies, deceit, betrayal, greed and hypocrisy that Hillary, the DNC, and the aging Liberal establishment would like you to forget, so you can be “united”.

Delete your account. Hell, if there’s anybody who knows how to work a delete key, it’s Hillary Clinton.

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By mike flugennockSaturday - June 11th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Obamarama, Party Animals

So, aaaanyway… Bernie and Obummer met at the White House this week to talk about the future of the Democratic party or someshit, but not before Obummer spews out a ringing endorsement of the Ice Queen. Russia Today says Bernie’s not dropping out, but the Washington Post says he is. Seeing what the Post has queefed out the better part of this year, I’ll go with Russia Today on this one.

If you ask me, though, Obummer endorsed Hillary, and then when Bernie showed up, Obummer and the Ice Queen took him around back to the Rose Garden, offed his ass, then dragged him out in front of the cameras when it was time for him to drop that mumbling about how he was going to “work with Clinton against Trump”.

Don’t forget that he said right from day one that he’d support the Ice Queen if she won the nomination.

Hell, he’s not dead; he’s just resting. He’s pining for the fjords.

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Glass Ceiling

By mike flugennockFriday - April 29th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party Animals

When women like Carly Fiorina, Sheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton break the “glass ceiling”, it’s because they’re standing on the backs of millions of poor and working-class women who are lucky to see the floor.

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