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Finishing The Job

By mike flugennockFriday - May 12th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Economy, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

It is with anxiety, chagrin and dread that I present this, my first cartoon of the 2024 Presidential “election” slog…

…and despite the massive disappointment and lack of enthusiasm of huge swaths of Democratic voters, Gropin’ Joe announced his re-election campaign kickoff with a promise to “finish the job”… at which point yours truly, like millions of others, is cringing and asking themselves: what job would THAT be — immiserating the poor and the working class? Terrorizing immigrants and bullying our next-door neighbors? Fattening up the war profiteers and Wall Street? Beating down anti-war dissent in public media? Dragging us into World War III?

Lotta big jobs to finish there, Joester; guess you’re going to need four more years to thoroughly fuck shit up, huh?

10.5 x 11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 379kb

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I Voted, no. 3

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 2nd, 2022Categories: 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Bidenism, Party Animals, elections, media, right wingnuts

Apropos of nothing, presented without comment.

With thanks to Stephanie Hofeller.

11×16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 407kb

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