Posts Tagged ‘Wikileaks’

The Latest Russiagate “Smoking Gun”

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 15th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Russiagate

And so, yet another wannabe neo-McCarthyite “journalist” is busted faking it at a major US media outlet. I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this.

This was inspired by an article that appeared this week in Sputnik News which totally shreds the hell out of a sloppy-ass hit piece by Julia Ioffe in The Atlantic about a meeting between Julian Assange and Donald Trump Jr. which was trumpeted as some kind of “smoking gun” that would validate the last year and a half’s worth of neo-McCarthyite conspiracist freakery.

Drip, drip, drip — muthafuckaaahhhs.

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Put A Fork In ‘Em

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 28th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, Party Animals

So, despite a strong progressive groundswell for Keith Ellison, Clinton flunkie Tom Perez has been elected Chairman of the Democratic Party (as if it really matters), and he won the way you always win in the Democrats — by kissing Wall Street’s ass, sucking Israel’s cock, and taking a big, steaming dump all over the Left.

This was inspired by a recently-tweeted nugget of gold from the John Podesta email leak trove, a snotty little fart by Perez in reply to one of the Hillary campaign honcho’s missives.

So, how’d that “stick a fork in him” thing work out for you guys?

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Dinnertime For Democrats

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 10th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

I’m at the point now where I’m thinking it was actually worth it all, just to finally see the Democratic Party having to eat its own dog food.

It’s been two months since they lost, and those clowns are still at it — shrieking, bitching, red-baiting, blame-shifting; it was the Greens, Wikileaks, the Russians, the Bernie Bros, the Russians, the non-voters, the Russians, the Russians, the Russians — you get the idea.

My suggestion to all you Democrats out there is to quit your damn whining and choke it down. There’s not a speck of cereal, you know.

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By mike flugennockSaturday - July 30th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

At last report, there is absolute zero evidence that the Russians had squat to do with the recent Wikileaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails detailing the program of fraud and sabotage against the Sanders campaign. Still, that hasn’t stopped all manner of Liberal Democratic mouthpieces like MSNBC shrieking at full throat about how “the Russians did it”.

Actually, I think it’s too bad that the Russians didn’t do it, because ma-aan, would that have been some poetic justice.

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