Posts Tagged ‘United Nations’

Last Chance, Punk!

By mike flugennockThursday - September 21st, 2017Categories: Trumpism, war and peace

If you caught any of the Trumpster’s speech at the UN this past week, you’ll know that pretty much the only thing missing was him banging his shoe on the podium and yelling “we will bury you!”.

A fake war threat juiced up with sick-ass lies, a tinhorn enemy made out to be all-powerful, repeatedly screamed claims about weapons of mass destruction, bellicose threats at the UN… jeez, just when did we hear this last time, kids? Don’t everybody jump up at once…

11×13 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 884kb

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Obama AIPAC Speech, Condensed

By mike flugennockTuesday - May 24th, 2011Categories: elections, liberty, Middle East, Obamarama, Palestine

On the Al Jazeera English Live Twitter feed, I followed Sunday’s wet, sloppy blowjob — uh, that is, speech — by Barack Obama to the annual AIPAC bribefest down at the Convention Center. You know it’s campaign season again when AIPAC hits town and the parade of Washington toadies forms a line from the Capitol and the White House to the DC Convention Center

If you wanted to find out what Israel and the USA are guilty of, just check out Obama’s AIPAC speech and see what he accuses the Palestinians of doing. The hypocrisy, groveling, pandering and doubletalk were nothing short of breathtaking. Israel demands the recognition of their Right To Existâ„¢, but they want to deny Palestine’s right to exist, except as an open-air prison. Israel demands the right to defend itself — while Palestine must sit still and be brutalized, and any act to defend itself is “terrorism”. Of course, the USA is ready to defend Israel’s record of oppression and brutality at the United Nations and elsewhere because… well, we’re all they’ve got. (Wasn’t that an old Cars song?)

“Obama AIPAC Speech, Condensed”: 11×12 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 552kb.

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