Posts Tagged ‘Trump’

Doubts In The Donor Class

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 6th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals

Ever since the last “debate”, I and millions like me are walkin’ on sunshine because finally, at long last, the mask is finally off. After that classic episode of Must-Not-Unsee TV, there’s no getting around the fact that our ruling class is entirely incompetent, that democracy and the “rules-based order” are s sham, and that Amerika and the West have fallen and can’t get up.

MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times are boiling with Liberal panic and denial right now — panic and denial so thick you can smell it through the TV set — and I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying it. Joe Scarborough was priceless; dude was shouting — like, really yelling — about how insanely awesome Joe Biden is, how he could leap tall buildings and has x-ray vision and rescued the economy and is the only thing standing between us and fascism, yelling so loudly that you could hear the echo in the studio; absolutely hilarious. You could almost see the little wisps of cartoon steam coming out of his ears.

In the “weighing how to respond” department, I hear that most rich-ass DNC donors have been upping their day-drinking game when lacking the cajones for suicide.

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I Voted

By mike flugennockMonday - June 1st, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Black Lives Matter, liberty

Bringing up the coffee and morning paper last Sunday morning, I caught about 15 seconds of MSNBC on the bedroom TV. Some “contributing analyst” on the morning show was discussing the nationwide uprising against police terrorism and yammering about how we needed to unite “street politics” with electoral politics — which made me want to bring up my coffee again, if you know what I mean.

Cripes, what a stupid twunt. Didn’t she realize that the reason we’re in the streets right now is because electoral politics is a failure? I and millions of others in this country have realized that electoralism is a big, hot sloppy bucket of fail, and that it’s time to get our yellow vests on and vote in the streets.

Never mind how many times I’ve heard rag-chewing Liberal talking heads on cable TV news flapping their cakeholes about “peaceful” protest — jeezus, I could play a drinking game with the number of times I’ve heard some knob on TV talking about being “peaceful”. F’crissake, man — I can’t think of a single time in my life when any meaningful change was brought about by people being “peaceful”. Hell, the State and Capital aren’t being peaceful right now; why should the People feel obligated to be peaceful? Screw “peaceful”.

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DNC Doormat

By mike flugennockSunday - March 8th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

“Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend…”
Sen. Bernie Sanders, 02.21.2020

Bernie beats Trump, my skinny old hippie ass. Dude bends the knee to McCarthyists, tripping out of his mind on the Russiagate Kool-Aid. Meanwhile, Gropin’ Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is on full display, just waiting to be exploited; Trump’s all over it, but Sanders…? Nahh, sonofabitch is as weak as herbal tea; Biden’s deteriorating mental state is like a loaded gun on the table, but Sanders is too much of a pussy to pick the goddamn thing up and pull the trigger.

All Sanders wants to do it go along to get along. Christ, what a candy-ass. Why is he so afraid to fight dirty? We’re at war here, and you don’t win a war by fighting clean — you do it by back-stabbing, sucker-punching, ambushing, truck-bombing. Just ask the Viet Cong.

It’s pretty obvious at this point that Sanders isn’t in it to win — he’s in it to waste the Left’s time, to drain their time, energy and life’s blood, keep them from bolting the Party, screw them at the Convention and leave them with nothing, just like four years ago.

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Defending the Embassy, Defending Liberty

By mike flugennockThursday - May 9th, 2019Categories: liberty, right wingnuts, Trumpism, war and peace

A new low was reached this week when, at the direction of the US Secret Service, Potomac Electric Power Company cut off the electricity to the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC, in an effort to force out members of Code Pink and other organizations there – at the invitation of the staff – defending the Embassy against a siege by thuggish supporters of the attempted putsch by US-backed fascist failson Juan “Guido” Guaidò.

This is in addition to ongoing attempts to prevent the delivery of food to the Embassy, ironically mirroring the economic warfare being waged against the people of Venezuela by the US Empire.

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