Posts Tagged ‘Sanders’

At Last! The Left Rises!

By mike flugennockFriday - March 27th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Globalization, Party Animals, coronavirus, elections

It seems that everywhere you look around the world these days, the Left is gathering strength and taking the streets, often organizing and acting outside the constraints of standard-issue electoral politics. The issues they address are international, issues that the People can unite around worldwide: neoliberalism, austerity, fascism, militarism.

Everywhere except in the United States, that is. Here in the Evil Empire, what passes for even a merely “progressive” Left is turned inward, all about the “election”, all about “beating Trump”, pouring all of its available energy into getting one guy elected President. Said “sociailst” hero will, of course, once again — as in 2016 — cave at the Convention and endorse whatever vile-ass, useless centrist the Democrats want to serve up, and leave the Left with nothing.

Now, I didn’t graduate PoliSci — I was just some hippie arts major — but it would seem to me their time and energy would be better spent breaking out of the prison of American electoral “democracy” and organizing and acting around the global issues and building international solidarity instead of pissing it all away on a process known to be compromised by capitalism, and rigged against the People.

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DNC Doormat

By mike flugennockSunday - March 8th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

“Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend…”
Sen. Bernie Sanders, 02.21.2020

Bernie beats Trump, my skinny old hippie ass. Dude bends the knee to McCarthyists, tripping out of his mind on the Russiagate Kool-Aid. Meanwhile, Gropin’ Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is on full display, just waiting to be exploited; Trump’s all over it, but Sanders…? Nahh, sonofabitch is as weak as herbal tea; Biden’s deteriorating mental state is like a loaded gun on the table, but Sanders is too much of a pussy to pick the goddamn thing up and pull the trigger.

All Sanders wants to do it go along to get along. Christ, what a candy-ass. Why is he so afraid to fight dirty? We’re at war here, and you don’t win a war by fighting clean — you do it by back-stabbing, sucker-punching, ambushing, truck-bombing. Just ask the Viet Cong.

It’s pretty obvious at this point that Sanders isn’t in it to win — he’s in it to waste the Left’s time, to drain their time, energy and life’s blood, keep them from bolting the Party, screw them at the Convention and leave them with nothing, just like four years ago.

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Out! Out, damned spot!

By mike flugennockThursday - January 16th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Man, it sure has been a helluva week for Fauxcohantas, huh? The Politico hit-piece smears on Sanders that blew up in her face, the roasting that she and CNN are getting for the treatment they gave Sanders at the Democratic Debate, the wave of requests for donation refunds so big it choked the servers at ActBlue… Fauxcohantas is going down like the Hindenburg, and I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying it.

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Garbage In…

By mike flugennockFriday - February 1st, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, elections, environment, liberty, war and peace

So, it’s looking like the Donkeycrats have assembled their All-Star Team for 2020, except that they picked their All-Stars from the cellar dwellers.

Let’s have a look at the lineup, shall we…? We’ve got a guy who was Bill Clinton’s liar-in-chief, a sk8ter boy who couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, a woman who’s proud to have made a career out of prosecuting and imprisoning the poor and vulnerable, a woman who hangs with fascists from India, a woman who endorsed Hillary in ‘16 and brags about being a capitalist, a guy who pimped Bill Clinton’s infamous crime bill in the ’90s, a woman who co-sponsored the anti-BDS bill, a guy whose nose is so far up Big Pharma’s ass it’s a wonder he can breathe and – last but certainly not least – every old progressive’s dream date, a guy who opposes BDS and who sat around silently, not saying jack about the bare-assed oil-grabbing right-wing coup going down in Venezuela for over 24 hours before inexplicably parroting Trump’s lies about the Maduro administration.

Basically, garbage.

Fascism is running wild all over, millions are a broken ankle away from destitution, we’re being dragged into another war in Latin America, the goddamn Earth is on fire, and the Democrats expect us to shut up and choose from garbage.

Garbage in, garbage out.

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