Posts Tagged ‘police’

I Voted

By mike flugennockMonday - June 1st, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Black Lives Matter, liberty

Bringing up the coffee and morning paper last Sunday morning, I caught about 15 seconds of MSNBC on the bedroom TV. Some “contributing analyst” on the morning show was discussing the nationwide uprising against police terrorism and yammering about how we needed to unite “street politics” with electoral politics — which made me want to bring up my coffee again, if you know what I mean.

Cripes, what a stupid twunt. Didn’t she realize that the reason we’re in the streets right now is because electoral politics is a failure? I and millions of others in this country have realized that electoralism is a big, hot sloppy bucket of fail, and that it’s time to get our yellow vests on and vote in the streets.

Never mind how many times I’ve heard rag-chewing Liberal talking heads on cable TV news flapping their cakeholes about “peaceful” protest — jeezus, I could play a drinking game with the number of times I’ve heard some knob on TV talking about being “peaceful”. F’crissake, man — I can’t think of a single time in my life when any meaningful change was brought about by people being “peaceful”. Hell, the State and Capital aren’t being peaceful right now; why should the People feel obligated to be peaceful? Screw “peaceful”.

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Cops and the Klan, Hand in Hand

By mike flugennockSaturday - May 5th, 2018Categories: Black Lives Matter, right wingnuts, Trumpism

From Sacramento to Newnan to Charlottesville it should be clear to one and all at this point that the police are there to “protect and serve” corporations and fascists. Now, as always — cops and the Klan go hand in hand.

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Nice Shooting!

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 9th, 2016Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, Palestine

If you’ve noticed, in the past few years, that the behavior and tactics of American police resemble those of Israeli police and soldiers, you’d be right — and these tactics have come into even sharper focus with the murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Minneapolis, Minnesota recently.

Military occupation tactics, collective punishment, terrorizing and brutalizing neighborhoods, shooting kids for throwing stones — filthy, bloody Israel taught U.S. police everything they know.

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“Israel-trained police ‘occupy’ Missouri after killing of black youth”
Rania Khalek, Electronic Intifada 08.15.14

“From NYC, Ferguson To Baltimore, American Police Are Trained In Apartheid Israel”
Kit O’Connell, MintPress News 05.15.15

“U.S. Police Routinely Travel to Israel to Learn Methods of Brutality and Repression”
Justin Gardner, Free Thought Project 08.30.15

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All night, all day!

By mike flugennockThursday - April 30th, 2015Categories: Black Lives Matter, DC Local, liberty, media

DC Marches in Solidarity with Baltimore Uprising, Apr 29 2015 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

I’m going to be real blunt here — the State, the police, and the media in this country are a bunch of rank-assed, faking sons of bitches. (continue reading…)

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