Posts Tagged ‘phrygian cap’


By mike flugennockWednesday - March 2nd, 2016Categories: DC Local, liberty, Obamarama

We’re moving 420 to 4/2 because Obama has been a big, fat ZERO on cannabis rescheduling!

So, join us at the White House on April 2 at 2pm for an afternoon of truth, fun and protest. Get more info at or follow DCMJ on Twitter.

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By mike flugennockThursday - February 18th, 2016Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

"Bird-dogging" at Rep. Andy Harris fundraiser, 02.16.16 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

This past Tuesday, I joined the DCMJ Posse on a trip up the highway to Bel Air, Maryland, in the state’s 1st Congressional District, represented by one Andy Harris. Most of you will remember Andy as the Congressman who tried to overturn the results of the DC referendum which enacted Proposition 71, which legalized the private use, possession and growing of marijuana.

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By mike flugennockSunday - January 24th, 2016Categories: DC Local

I rather like the shoveling — repetitive, relaxing, meditative. Big ol’ mug of coffee, smoke a bowl, suit up, stomp on out there and just kinda get into it. Some of my neighbors are out shoveling, too, so everybody’s taking a break and hanging out. Round 2 begins soon — or soonish, seeing as it’s 8:30 on Sunday morning as I write this.

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Hoorah, sledding!

By mike flugennockSaturday - December 19th, 2015Categories: DC Local, Health Care, liberty

According to this report on WAMU-FM here in DC, the latest Congressional spending bill prevents the District Of Columbia from funding abortion services for poor women and regulating and taxing the sale of marijuana. They did, however, repeal the ban on sledding on the Capitol grounds, after a vigorous local outcry last winter.

Apparently, they’re still hurting from all the bad publicity they caught with the sledding ban, but could care less about all the ill will they get by restricting women’s healthcare rights and the right to tax and regulate a plant that’s been legal for nearly a year. Still, there’s prime sledding opening up on the hill at the West Front, so there’s that.

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