Posts Tagged ‘Pence’

I’M speaking!

By mike flugennockThursday - August 22nd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals

That kind of lean-in feminist schtick might go over well on a clod like Mike Pence, but when you pull it on a bunch of citizens who your party has gone out of its way to try to silence and who are calling you out on your involvement in an ongoing genocide in Palestine, it just shows the whole goddamn country who you really are.

You came right out of the gate spitting in the faces of moral people who are speaking up about US/Israeli crimes in Palestine, telling us to shut up and sit down until it’s time to turn out at the polls to vote for rich American women’s abortion rights or some shit, and now you drop your sweetie-pie girl boss bullshit on us.

Not only will we not be voting for genocide, but many of us will not be voting at all, as the events of the past year have shown us what American “democracy” really is.

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Space Force no.2: Mars Awaits

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 20th, 2019Categories: right wingnuts, space, Trumpism, war and peace

This was initially inspired by this article on Sputnik International, about the six military bases up for consideration for Space Force headquarters. After some curious digging, I’ve noticed they’ve gone from “Mars Awaits” to the slightly more modest “back to the Moon in 5 years”. Of course, the goal that’s grabbing the attention of millions of us is VP Man From GLAD’s consideration of nuclear weapons deployment in space.

Goes without saying Elon Musk is on board with the idea; I’m guessing his long game will involve a need for a few hundred Space Grunts to guard his gated Martian colonies for the rich.

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Proposed US Space Force Logo

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 18th, 2018Categories: space, Trumpism, war and peace

As most of you have heard, last week the comedy team of Trump and Pence announced an $8 billion splashdown for a new military branch, the U.S. Space Force — and are also apparently inviting submissions for the logo design.

So what are they gonna do, fight giant bugs? Actually, I’m thinking the Space Grunts are gonna be guarding Elon Musk’s gated Martian colonies for the rich.

12×14 inch medium-res color jpg image, 1.1mb

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