Posts Tagged ‘Pelosi’

Fortune Cookie

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 6th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, war and peace

“Those who play with fire will only get burnt… We hope the U.S. side can see this clearly.” — Xi Jinping, to Joe Biden, 07.28.2022

Y’ever get Chinese carry-out and play that stupid game with the fortune cookies where you scribble the phrase “in bed” at the end of the banal faux-Confucian “fortune” in a childish effort to make it sound “dirty” somehow?

Oh, c’mon; I know y’all have done it. I’ve done it a bunch — and that kind of puerile, low-brow joke seems a fitting analogy to portray the arrogance, hubris, hypocrisy, belligerence, recklessness and straight-up stupidity of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Provoke World War III If It’s The Last Goddamn Thing I Ever Do Tour this week. It’s as if her staff went out of their way to script the most irksome, provocative, sabre-rattling batshit takes they could possibly come up with for her, as if they just followed her around with an mp3 recorder and transcribed everything the old bat queefed out.

The really sad thing about Pelosi, Blinken, Biden and their ilk, though, is that they really, honestly think they’re the greatest goddamn thing on two legs. They really do think people are impressed with this horseshit.

Still, as an American, I have to appreciate the Speaker keeping me briefed in on who “America” is standing with right now. Between standing with Israel, the Uyghurs, the Ukraine, and now Taiwan, it’s looking like this “American” is booked pretty solid these days.

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The Old Donkey And The Sea

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 10th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Economy, environment, Health Care

Basically, Obamacare all over again. The Democrats threw out everything their constituents ever wanted from the “Build Back Better” bipartisan (spit) infrastructure bill in order to please President Manchin and the GOP, and the rest of us got nothing — and the Democrats and their mouthpieces on MSNBC will, of course, yell and scream about how awesome a bill this is until their nipples explode with delight.

Still, y’shoulda seen that whopper before the trip back, before the sharks got hold of it.

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By mike flugennockFriday - February 28th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, coronavirus, Health Care, Party Animals

I’m going to just come right out and say it: fuck Nancy Pelosi straight to Hell.

People all over the world are getting sick — many dying — from coronavirus, and now that we’ve got some cases in the US, Capitol Hill is finally getting off its rich, bloated ass and taking a whack at doing something about a response. In classic Pelosi fashion, the House Speaker babbled about making a vaccine “affordable”. AFFORDABLE.

Never mind that many Americans may die simply because they can’t afford to be tested, let alone vaccinated; the typical response from Queen Nancy is some tepid blathering about making a vaccine “affordable”, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. If the goddamn vaccine is going to be developed with tax money, then it should be free.

Say it with me, kids: fuck “affordable”; make it FREE.

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Important Fish to Fry

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 13th, 2019Categories: 2020 Election, elections, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism, war and peace

First of all, huge thanks to Kate Nocera at Buzzfeed News for tweeting that inspiring quote from the Speaker.

So, now, folks… considering her enabling of fascism, her support for an obscene war budget, her desperate opposition to Medicare For All, and her bitter refusal to hold a criminal Executive to account – a tendency going back to Bush v2.0 – I have to ask myself: who are the “important fish” that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are needing to fry?

Oh, yeah, that’s right…

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