Posts Tagged ‘Occupy DC’

Housing For All!

By mike flugennockThursday - December 8th, 2011Categories: Economy, liberty, Occupy

Not a whole lot to say about this one — just a solidarity shout-out to all my comrades down at Occupy DC, a salute to their efforts to build a General Assembly hall at the McPherson Square camp for use as an assembly hall and as a symbol of the need for affordable housing in the midst of rampant foreclosures and escalating homelessness.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 584kb.

Images via OccupyDC streaming video feed.

Images via OccupyDC streaming video feed.

“A Day In The Life Of The People’s Pentagon”, at (Skip the comments; it’s the usual right-wing trollage and attendant flamefest)

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#OccupyDC Visits Democratic Party Fundraiser

By mike flugennockFriday - December 2nd, 2011Categories: Economy, elections, liberty, media, Obamarama, Occupy, Party Animals

Last night’s fundraising dinner for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, held at the offices of the investment firm of Folger, Nolan, Fleming and Douglas, had a minimum contribution of $5000, and a maximum of $75,000. Make no mistake — the Democrats are One Percenters all the way. So, Occupy DC decided to pay them a visit for a little Mic Check action. Let’s join the fun…

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Support OUR Troops!

By mike flugennockMonday - November 21st, 2011Categories: Economy, Health Care, liberty, media, Occupy

Well, at long frickin’ last, the media have finally gotten around to realizing that there’s a class war on, and have finally gotten up the cajones to actually use the term “class war”. What’s even more heartening to me is that at last our side has finally gotten off the deck and is fighting back.

So, gang, seeing as how we’re in a class war, that can mean only one thing: it’s time to Support Our Troops!

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1mb.

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Solidarity, from McPherson to Tahrir

By mike flugennockSunday - November 20th, 2011Categories: liberty, Middle East, Occupy

Still walking like an Egyptian!

OccupyDC, the Freedom Plaza Occupiers, and local Egyptian-American activists joined up today to march in solidarity with the revolutionaries at Tahrir Square, Cairo, visiting the downtown HQ of the Egyptian Defense Office. Marchers demanded the release of 12,000 citizens and activists held by the Egyptian SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces) junta, an end to military trials for civilians, and a proper trial for ex-dictator Mubarak as opposed to “a theatrical irony”.

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