Posts Tagged ‘NYPD’

Visible From Orbit

By mike flugennockFriday - June 12th, 2020Categories: Black Lives Matter, DC Local, liberty, Trumpism

So, as I suspected… Mayor Bowser doesn’t really give a rat’s ass about the MPDC terrorizing and murdering Black citizens of DC, or about protesters being tear-gassed and run off the street so Trump can do his foto op at St. John’s Church, or our city being invaded by the goddamn 82nd Airborne — she just wanted to own Trump and nab some TV time.

Not even a week after painting “Black Lives Matter” in huge-ass letters taking up two blocks of 16th Street between K Street and Lafayette Park, she was browbeating the city council to “slow down” on police “reform” (clipping from Washington Post, June 11 2020).

New York City mayor De Blasio, not to be outdone, decided to name one street in each borough “Black Lives Matter Street” — after allowing the NYPD to also terrorize, beat, torture and murder New Yorkers for the better part of a week.

Still, there was no topping Bowser. All De Blasio did was put up a bunch of crummy street signs; Bowser’s hypocrisy is visible from orbit.

11×11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 964kb.

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Up Against The Wall

By mike flugennockWednesday - February 12th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Black Lives Matter, elections, media, Party Animals

This is pretty much my prediction for the New York Primary, based on the revelations from a recording of former New York City Overlord and prospective White House purchaser Mike Bloomberg leaked by blogger and podcaster Benjamin Dixon, in which Bloomberg defends NYC’s horrific “stop and frisk” measures directed at poor communities and communities of color in NYC.

(continue reading…)

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By mike flugennockThursday - September 29th, 2011Categories: Economy, liberty, Obamarama, Occupy

While scrolling through my Twitter feed this week, I came upon the latest reports of vicious and abusive police behavior at the Occupy Wall Street protest camp in NYC. A crowd of about 80 marchers were surrounded by police and “kettled” with a bunch of dayglow orange plastic netting and kept corralled while being maced and pepper-sprayed prior to their arrest.

About the same time, though, I caught the heartening news that the Occupy Wall Street protests had expanded to Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles and Dallas (there may have been more since this cartoon was done, but I haven’t heard yet).

So, here’s one in solidarity with the gang at Occupy Wall Street in NYC and elsewhere!

14x14inch medium-res color .jpg image, 872kb

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