Posts Tagged ‘Netanyahu’

Garbage no.2 (…garbage out)

By mike flugennockMonday - November 4th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Middle East, Palestine

So, that was the “October Surprise” this time around, huh? That was really it? Old Uncle Joe, movin’ kinda’ slow, suddenly decides to pipe up about some of Trump’s throwaway trash talk and immediately shits out a Basket Of Deplorables moment, right out on live TV in front of god and his cat and everybody, less than a week before the “election”? Well done. Even if MSNBC immediately changed its format to All Abortion Rights Horror Stories All The Time, it probably still wouldn’t be enough to save the DNC’s asses.

Just trying to imagine the scene around the DNC campaign offices right now… imagining Uncle Joe, still and quiet for all these weeks — they really thought they had him buried this time — suddenly clambering clumsily out of the grave like Tor Johnson in Plan 9 From Outer Space to drop a big, hot steaming Gaffe From The Beyond.

Mind you, I’m not arguing with the truth of El Presidente’s blabbage about Trump supporters being garbage, here; that’s as maybe — but, still, when you’re a sitting President of the United Snakes Of Amerika who’s had to drop out of a re-election campaign after your brain fried out on live national TV, and who’s proudly facilitating and defending the brutal, venal crimes of two of the most garbage human beings walking the Earth at the moment, and whose actions in the past year have at last fully revealed American/Western traditions and institutions to be complete garbage… you might want keep a lid on that name-calling shit.

12 x 16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 763kb.

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Netanyahu’s Comin’ To Town

By mike flugennockSunday - June 23rd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

“The invitation of Netanyahu, signed by the ‘bipartisan leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate,’ is a political provocation against mass opposition to the genocide in Gaza, in the US and throughout the world. It is a declaration of political and moral solidarity with a murderer who has been accused by the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of war crimes.”
—from the Statement of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 06.10.2024

“All over, people changin’ their votes along with their overcoats;
If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they’d send a limousine anyway!”

—The Clash, 1977

The Editors of the World Socialist Web Site blog are calling for a mass mobilization to greet Israeli Führer Benjamin Netanyahu when he comes to slime Washington, DC on July 24 and I, for one, am absolutely down for giving this sonofabitch the welcome he deserves when he comes barging into my city.

So, here’s my contribution to the propaganda effort, complete with “your message here” space, suitable for printing — and wheatpasting — at 11×17 on any walk-up digital color copier.

11×17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb

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Rules-Based Order

By mike flugennockSaturday - November 25th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, liberty, media, Middle East, Palestine, Ukrainamania, war and peace, War on Terror

To think that all the arduous years I spent assiduously avoiding dropping a “fallen and can’t get up” gag could be undone by this single column at The Cradle last week. If Amerika’s imperial batshittery in Ukraine hasn’t totally wrecked our rep with the rest of the Earth, than our enabling Israeli butchery in Palestine pretty much ripped our mask the rest of the way off.

We’ve fallen, and we can’t get up.

11×14 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.5mb

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Look Out, Bibi’s Redlining!

By mike flugennockSaturday - September 29th, 2012Categories: Middle East, Palestine, right wingnuts, war and peace, War on Terror

Am I the only one here who saw those fotos of Netanyahu at the UN the other day and wondered “what the hell kind of pointy-haired middle-management dog’n’pony bullshit am I looking at?” Seriously, was the guy smoking crack on the plane to New York, or what?

Oh, and don’t forget, folks — you can’t pronounce “Netanyahu” without “yahoo”.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 464kb.

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