Posts Tagged ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene’

Balloonacy (don’t panic!)

By mike flugennockThursday - February 23rd, 2023Categories: Bidenism, China, media, war and peace

JEEEEEEzus christ, man, wotta goddamn shitshow, huh? Not that anyone with two synapses to rub together could tell you that the US boss media were pulling it straight outta their ass, that it wasn’t a “spy balloon” and probably not even Chinese, given the US media’s record over the past 30, 40 years.

Finally, about 2 weeks into this Mel Brooks movie, the Pentagon Amateur Hour crew starts shuffling and backpedaling and stammering like Porky Pig that well, OK, it wasn’t really dangerous and probably not a surveillance balloon after all — and while that’s going on, a bunch of Top Gun wannabes piss away $2m worth of our tax money shooting down what was probably some kid’s science project, likely to get Marjorie Taylor-Greene to shut the hell up. And btw, when a fascist freak like MTG is allowed to sit in Congress and yell for something to be shot down as if it were “Call Of Duty” or something, you know your Rules-Based Order™ is circling the shitter.

So, if you’re thinking that Uncle Joe’s handling of this and other foreign policy batshittery he’s stoking up is looking more and more like a rejected Pinky And The Brain plot — except that P & the B actually had their shit together a little more — join the club, kiddos. Hell, the Chinese were showing more class in their little finger than the US and the West at large, who spent the last 2 weeks filling every pair of BVD’s in the drawer.

Ha haahhhhh, NARF.

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Happy Putsch-aversary!

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 4th, 2022Categories: 2020 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

It may have been a putsch from a Mel Brooks movie, but it was still a goddamn putsch. And what is our so-called “opposition party” doing about it? From the looks of things — much like reproductive rights — the Democrats have absolutely no plans to actually DO ANYTHING about it other than dragging their “investigation” out as long as they can so they can use it to fundraise for the midterms and for ’24, keep the Liberals in line, and beat down the Left.

And speaking of beatdowns, why the hell aren’t Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in jail and expelled from Congress? F’crissake, they supported a goddamn fascist putsch. They’re friggin’ collaborators. Hell, Greene even gave a bunch of chuds a full recon tour. Why haven’t the Democrats tried to have them expelled from the House and thrown in the goddamn can instead of “reaching across the aisle” and all that horseshit?

It’s because the Democrats are collaborators, too.

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