Posts Tagged ‘Hamas’

Now We Are All “Hamas”

By mike flugennockFriday - May 24th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror, liberty, media, war and peace

Glimpsed a headline on the front page of USA Hooray earlier this week yelling about how one of the groups organizing the campus occupations in the US was apparently under Federal investigation some time ago for (quelle horreur) connections to Hamas — like, anyone who really knows from shit is going to oppose legitimate resistance or even care if activists they know are connected to them — every doctor, reporter, student, laborer, office worker, artist, musician, football player who ever spoke up against Israeli horror is now “connected to Hamas”, apparently including my own self.

Despite the disgusting nature of the headline, I couldn’t help snickering to myself as I knew this was a prime indication that they’re losing hugely, almost none of the People believe them anymore, nothing they’ve tried to silence us has worked very well and that they’ve totally lost control — and, backed into that corner, have resorted to the old standby If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Smear ‘Em.

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Keep ‘Em Flying! (in solidarity)

By mike flugennockSunday - October 8th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, media, war and peace

In the words of the immortal John Cleese, my nipples exploded with delight to hear that Palestine was punching the bullies back, and in such spectacularly and totally boss fashion.

And in totally standard fashion, Israeli state mouthpieces are screeching about how this is their Nineleven™, how Hamas came for their babies — pretty much the usual response… never fails — when you punch the bully back, the little punk runs crying to the principal. Meanwhile, at MSNBC, some clown who sounded like he was still in college mentioned how this conflict has been going on “since time immemorial”. Shame I couldn’t pull Junior aside to remind him that the Nakba occurred in 1948, within the memories of many people still living, and that 1948 is not “time immemorial” (before I smacked the living shit out of him).

I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this, but I don’t know which part of it I’m enjoying more — the idea that the resistance fighters would paraglide in, or watching one Western media babbler after another shitting themselves on the air over the fact that ZOMG THEY’RE USING PARAGLIDERS, THE BASTARDS.

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By mike flugennockFriday - June 20th, 2014Categories: Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror

Here’s one for our friends in Israel, just to let them know I’m thinking of them as they search diligently for their precious missing teens.

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Israelis Kill Palestinian During House Searches In West Bank, Al Jazeera English, 06.17.14

Israel Teens Search Aims To “Break” Hamas, Al Jazeera English, 06.18.14

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