Posts Tagged ‘Guantanamo’


By mike flugennockMonday - December 16th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, liberty, media, Obamarama, War on Terror

The past couple of weeks have seen many memorable moments in all the pomp and ceremony marking the passing of Nelson Mandela, but none as memorable as this indelible image of three world leaders keeping it classy at the Mandela memorial service last week.

And now, Mandela has finally been laid to rest in his ancestral village — and not a moment too soon, as I don’t know if I could’ve stood much more of the hypocritical spewage from the leaders of the nations who funded and armed the apartheid regime and conspired to keep Mandela imprisoned for nearly three decades.

Some of the most breathtaking spewage had to have come from that inimitable mass murderer and concentration camp operator, our very own Barack “Dronemeister” Obama:

“We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again.  So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set…”

President Sparkle Pony has actually said something truthful here, if only by accident. If the likes of Mandela were emerging today, he’d likely have made it onto Obama’s “Disposition Matrix” if he hasn’t already been smeared in a drone strike while he attended a friend’s wedding. Either that, or he might be rotting in Guantanamo right now.

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Yer Liberals, Episode 2: “Make Him Do It”

By mike flugennockFriday - November 9th, 2012Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, elections, liberty, media, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

Remember back in school, when the class bully would dump your books, shove you into your locker and try to shake you down for your lunch money, and you’d say “hey, c’mon, quit it!”, and the bully would get up in your face and sneer “make me”? Well, that’s the mental image I get when I hear Pwogwessives and Liberals talking about what they need to do to get Obama to honor his promises and implement more progressive policies, and they say that they need to “hold his feet to the fire” and “make him do it”.

Trouble is, they had their chance to put pressure on Obama and the Donkeycrats, but once again, they pissed it away — in the recent so-called election, when they could’ve organized a boycott, withholding their support and sending a message to the Donkeycrats in the only language they understand: defeat at the polls.

Instead, the Pwogs and Liberals spent four years pissing and moaning about how Obama went back on all his promises and pretty much continued all of Bush’s policies of warmongering, imperialism and attacks on civil liberties — and then turned right around and voted for him again. Christ, that’s got to be the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard of — real, honest-to-God short-bus-riding, helmet-wearing-in-class, drooling-in-your-lap deep-down retarded.

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At Chris Floyd’s Empire Burlesque: Napalm in the Morning (Drones in the Afternoon): The Smell of Victory Stirs Progressives to Action

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Oooooh, LOOK! The FUTURE!

By mike flugennockWednesday - January 28th, 2009Categories: elections, Iraq, liberty, Middle East, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

So, here we are hardly a week into this Shiny New Hope™ and Change™ Era, and we’ve already pretty much seen what The One and his Donkeycratic cohorts are all about: The Future. They want to move forward, move ahead, don’t look back, don’t stop thinking about tomorrow (MoveOn just wants to take another swig of Kool-Aid and – move on). They’re so much about The Future, in fact, that they want to totally ditch the past – including their enabling of war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, their role as accomplices in the destruction of the Constitution via USA PATRIOT, their endorsement of US-backed Israeli atrocities in Palestine.


Do you people – those of you who know who you are – honestly think the Donkeycrats will so much as lift a finger to bring the Bush mob to justice? Arrest Bush? In your goddamn’ dreams. President Timberlake has kept Robert Friggin’ Gates on as Secretary Of War, f’cripesake – not to mention that The One has also already gotten his hands bloody in Afghanistan and Pakistan this week. Does this look like the kind of guy who’s going to raise so much as a murmur of objection to the crimes of the Bush Regime, anymore than he’s spoken barely a whisper about US-financed Israeli war crimes in Gaza? Wake the hell up, US Left.

To bring Bush and the Gang to justice would require the Donkeycrats to admit to their own extensive complicity in crimes against the Constitution, international law, and humanity in general, crimes the Bush Regime could not have carried out without help from the Donkeycrats – kinda like the spot they found themselves in about ten years ago this month. To have impeached Bubba Clinton for his complete “rap sheet”, aside from all that blowjob nonsense – murderous sanctions against Iraq, the continuous bombing of Iraq, the “Lewinsky Bombing” of Afghanistan and the Sudan, the two and a half months’ continuous saturation bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Yugoslavia – would have required the Donkeycrats to ‘fess up to their having allowed it with barely a peep of protest.

In other words, don’t hold your breath.

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