Posts Tagged ‘gays’

Obama’s Big Bus!

By mike flugennockWednesday - December 3rd, 2008Categories: elections, Iraq, Middle East, Obamarama, war and peace

At least up until the last “election” or two, you used to hear a lot – especially from the Donkeycrats – about the proverbial “Big Tent”, ostensibly used to symbolize the Party’s diverse constituencies, but actually just a cheesy way for your Party to pander to segments of the voting population it normally wouldn’t give the time of day to.

Once again though, huge props to the Obama Cult for taking this concept a bold step further. Amazing, how quick and efficient he was, too.


Hear that, UFPJ? Hear that, Code Pink? He already wants to expand the war into Afghanistan? He’s roped in your votes, he’s got what he needed from you, now your ass is under the bus!

Environmentalists? Didn’t he shift his position on offshore oil drilling? D’ohh, under you go. Looking like some awesome parties at the Inauguration, though.

Gays? Lesbians? Let’s not even go there. He doesn’t even want you to be able to marry. He’s even invited that born-again creep, Rick Warren, the Purpose-Driven Gay Basher, to speak at his friggin’ Inauguration! Why the hell did you all go for him so much? Doesn’t matter, you’re gone anyway. Crunch. Ouch.

I could go on, but you can see where I’m headed. The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round…

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