Posts Tagged ‘DNC’


By mike flugennockFriday - February 21st, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, elections, media, Party Animals

What happens in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas this time, folks. The word is out about The Skanky App Developed By The Skanky App Developers Partially Funded By The Buttigieg Campaign. This time, it’s another off-the-shelf Google product — an allegedly “secure Google web form” running on a batch of iPads purchased by the DNC, or “dPads”, as it were.

An associate professor of CompSci at the University of Iowa promptly went into “OK Boomer” mode, blaming the age of the poll workers (70) instead of perhaps considering their over-engineered with built-in security vulns cheesy-ass Google “app” which is basically a hammer in search of a nail, and a disaster waiting to happen so obvious that it’s got a goddamn lampshade hanging on it.

Gotta love this closing paragraph, though, with the money quote from some flack at the Alliance For Securing Democracy (spit) — basically, “if you’re cynical about the state of American ‘democracy’ and refuse to participate in elections, then the terrorists win”:

“Regardless of the challenges that may exist in administering the election, I think it’s incumbent on any Nevadan who wants to participate in the caucus to do so,” Levine said. “If you are not participating for that reason, that’s a win for our adversaries, both domestic and foreign.”

D’ahh, fuck this noise; I’m gonna go check out Lou Rawls at the bar…

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There’s An App For That

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 4th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, elections, media, Party Animals

Well, that sure was some skanky-ass to-do we had out in Iowa this week. Sanders was looking really good to take it, but then they suddenly “delayed” the results because of an issue with a skanky vote-reporting app — a skanky app coded by a skanky company operated by old Hillary campaign stooges and which has also worked for the Buttigieg campaign.

I’m so not into the tinfoil hat thing, but when the DNC announces their new “troll hunting” campaign against “disinformation” on the Internet, and then their vote-tracking app built by a bunch of Hillary hacks implodes as Mayo Pete declares himself the winner — kinda like that Guaido guy — you just can’t help thinking something is really, really stanky around here.

You couldn’t expect less from an outfit called Shadow, Inc. Look out, Nevada.

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DNC 2020: The Whine of the Century

By mike flugennockFriday - January 3rd, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, elections, Health Care, media, Party Animals

Here’s one for all you “Blue No Matter Who” Kool-Aid guzzlers, in honor of our esteemed ex-Vice President. It’s appalling, but it’s not as if we hadn’t already figured it out. At last the sons of bitches finally just came right out with it.

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By mike flugennockSaturday - July 30th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

At last report, there is absolute zero evidence that the Russians had squat to do with the recent Wikileaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails detailing the program of fraud and sabotage against the Sanders campaign. Still, that hasn’t stopped all manner of Liberal Democratic mouthpieces like MSNBC shrieking at full throat about how “the Russians did it”.

Actually, I think it’s too bad that the Russians didn’t do it, because ma-aan, would that have been some poetic justice.

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