Posts Tagged ‘Cuba’

Low-Priority File

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 30th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Economy, elections, environment, Health Care, Party Animals

…and apparently, for the Washington Post and the Democratic Party, holding their President to account for unfulfilled campaign promises is lodged in a low-priority file somewhere between “Can’t Be Bothered” and “Tough Shit”.

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America Sends Death

By mike flugennockWednesday - April 29th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Health Care

Despite oppressive blockades and sanctions, Cuba has managed to dispatch brigades of doctors to coronavirus hotspots to help fight the pandemic — in keeping with a long-standing tradition of solidarity and mutual aid. Cuba is also reported to have produced promising results with interferon and other experimental drugs against COVID-19, despite the punishing economic warfare Cuba is suffering at the hands of the United States.

The US, in the meantime — still the epicenter of the pandemic — escalates its brutal program of sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela and Iran, commits acts of piracy against other nations and its own States, continues to crank up xenophobic and racist hysteria against China, deprives citizens and healthcare workers of vitally-needed PPE and other equipment, tries to whip its working class back to work under dangerous conditions for substandard wages, and its President goes on national TV to suggest that citizens combat the virus by injecting or drinking bleach.

I’ll leave it to you to judge which nation is conducting itself better on the world stage.

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Historic Handshake

By mike flugennockSunday - April 12th, 2015Categories: Globalization, media, Party Animals, war and peace

So, this week at the Summit Of The Americas, President Sparkle Pony and Cuban leader Raul Castro met for the first time, shaking hands in what’s being hailed as some kind of iconic moment. Needless to say — for some otherworldly reason — the US Left’s nipples are exploding with delight.

I’d like to suggest that my fellow US lefties calm the hell down — after all, this is President Drone Strike we’re talking about here, and he’s obviously trying to corral the Pwogwessives back onto the Democratic reservation for the 2016 Electoral Freak Circus.

More importantly, I really do hope Mr. Castro has the sense to look the hell out, and not turn his back for a moment. After, this is President Drone Strike he’s dealing with here.

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