Posts Tagged ‘covidiots’

Stealing Our Souls

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 28th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, media, right wingnuts, Trumpism

There’s a new strain of Covidiot virus going around among healthcare workers — proof that Stupid can strike any of us, though if you consider how long it takes to become a doctor vs. how long it takes to become a nurse, it all makes sense.

There have been a couple of outbreaks of the new Stupid Variant in the past week, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and in New York. A close read of the thread in which Max Blumenthal tweets the NYT article tells me, personally, that Blumenthal is about to dive down the anti-vax rabbit hole if he hasn’t already. He seems to imply at one point that PhD’s were among the most reluctant to take the vaccine, which proves nothing except that having a PhD doesn’t make you immune to the Stupid Variant — nor does not being a Trumpster.

But, back to the outbreaks of Covidiot Virus. You know how back in the 1970s and ’80s you’d read every so often about some National Geographic documentary crew going deep into the Amazon jungle or someplace and encountering some tribe that’s lived in isolation for a thousand years, and they see the cameras and video images of themselves for the first time and freak out because they think the cameras are stealing their souls? Well, how different is that from these doorknobs who think that Bill Gates is putting microchips in vaccines, or that taking cow dewormer and shitting out your stomach lining will cure Covid-19?

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Freedom Isn’t Free

By mike flugennockFriday - July 17th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Getting up to date in our Thinning Out The Stupid Gene Department: Florida, gung-ho for reopening, beaches crowded as hell, has set a new one-day record for new COVID19 cases; even as one state after another begins mandating mask use, the governor of Georgia has stuck a blow for freedom by barring municipalities from mandating masks and, elsewhere in the Covidiot Universe, the co-founder of ReOpen Maryland — one of many groups standing up for our Constitutional right to manicures and ice cream — tested positive for COVID19 just a couple of weeks ago.

But as it’s often said — Freedom Isn’t Free.

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