Posts Tagged ‘Bolivia’

Axis Of Resistance

By mike flugennockThursday - July 29th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Globalization

Cuba hanging tough, helping vaccinate the world, getting solidarity and help from all over; Bolivia bouncing that fascist hag Añez; Sandanistas standing firm against US-backed “SOS” astroturf; Venezuela clapping back at US-backed provocateurs and third-rate wannabe Jack Ryans; Peru tossing Fujimori… yeah, these are the kind of “red states” I like.

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At Last! The Left Rises!

By mike flugennockFriday - March 27th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, coronavirus, elections, Globalization, Party Animals

It seems that everywhere you look around the world these days, the Left is gathering strength and taking the streets, often organizing and acting outside the constraints of standard-issue electoral politics. The issues they address are international, issues that the People can unite around worldwide: neoliberalism, austerity, fascism, militarism.

Everywhere except in the United States, that is. Here in the Evil Empire, what passes for even a merely “progressive” Left is turned inward, all about the “election”, all about “beating Trump”, pouring all of its available energy into getting one guy elected President. Said “sociailst” hero will, of course, once again — as in 2016 — cave at the Convention and endorse whatever vile-ass, useless centrist the Democrats want to serve up, and leave the Left with nothing.

Now, I didn’t graduate PoliSci — I was just some hippie arts major — but it would seem to me their time and energy would be better spent breaking out of the prison of American electoral “democracy” and organizing and acting around the global issues and building international solidarity instead of pissing it all away on a process known to be compromised by capitalism, and rigged against the People.

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Next Year’s Model

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 19th, 2019Categories: Globalization, liberty, Trumpism

Here’s a fun factoid for you: at least 70% of Earth’s lithium reserves are in Bolivia — you know lithium, the stuff that’s in the batteries in your phone, your laptop, your trendy electric car…?

Quite a happenstance for the US-backed fascist coupmongers there, huh?

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The Bible Returns To The Palace

By mike flugennockSunday - November 17th, 2019Categories: Globalization, liberty, right wingnuts, war and peace

Judging from the torrent of racist, religious fundamentalist howling coming from Bolivia’s new imaginary president, it looks as if the US-backed fascist junta in Bolivia are using the same standard procedure as when the Spanish first showed up — steal the land, plunder the resources, slaughter the indigenous people and claim that god is on your side.

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