Posts Tagged ‘antifascist’

Liberal: You’re Next!

By mike flugennockTuesday - November 7th, 2017Categories: media, Trumpism

(apologies due: James Montgomery Flagg)

Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m really not a violent guy by nature at all, but still – I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t enjoying watching Richard Spencer and other dapper US Nazi big shots being clocked in the street at foto ops. I mean, what the hell; these bastards bring guns to rallies, f’crissake, and Liberals get bent outta shape when some Antifa hangs one on Richard Spencer? Get a grip.

Still, you can’t punish the fascists without also going after the collaborators – and Liberal America is right at the top of most decent folks’ lists. I’ve always kinda hoped that once the Antifas get the Nazi issue punched out – look out, Liberals.

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Love Didn’t “Trump” Hate…

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 14th, 2017Categories: Economy, environment, Health Care, liberty, Trumpism

It’s worth noting that in the current wave of protest following the Inauguration, the most effective and inspiring actions have been spontaneous and organic, organized and carried out by real grassroots outfits, many of whom were anarchists and other militant antifascists.

“Pussy Hats”, smarmy focus-grouped slogans, a Facebook group and a 501(c)3 are not “resistance”. Just so you know.

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inspired by the placard in this foto from the recent Berkeley antifascist actions.

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