Posts Tagged ‘anarchists’

Love Didn’t “Trump” Hate…

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 14th, 2017Categories: Economy, environment, Health Care, liberty, Trumpism

It’s worth noting that in the current wave of protest following the Inauguration, the most effective and inspiring actions have been spontaneous and organic, organized and carried out by real grassroots outfits, many of whom were anarchists and other militant antifascists.

“Pussy Hats”, smarmy focus-grouped slogans, a Facebook group and a 501(c)3 are not “resistance”. Just so you know.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 863kb
inspired by the placard in this foto from the recent Berkeley antifascist actions.

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Off your asses, America – time to get your Greek on!

By mike flugennockMonday - May 16th, 2011Categories: Economy, Globalization, liberty

Y’know, I really am jealous of the Greeks – not because of the shape their economy’s in, nor because of the corruption of their government and its servility to capital, nor because of the state-imposed “austerity” programs they struggle against. I’m jealous of the Greeks and other Europeans because they haven’t forgotten how to fight in the streets – unlike US activists, for whom “direct action” these days means standing around, waving signs or holding candles in front of the White House in the dark.

In Greece right now, unionists, students and anarchists are taking on the police, kicking ass and taking names in the streets. They aren’t taking “austerity” lying down. They’ve made the country virtually ungovernable. Meanwhile, in the bad old USA, “progressives” are “fighting” the imminent loss of hard-won social safety nets by waving signs, having vegan potluck dinners and teach-ins, and voting Democratic – in spite of the mountain of evidence that the Democratic Party doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them today (as if they ever did).

I was inspired to do this cartoon after seeing a recent article on Al Jazeera, as well as a large piece in the Washington Post, detailing the extent of the Greek uprising currently going on, as well as the extensive involvement of militant anarchist youth.

C’mon, Americans – off your asses and into the streets. It’s time to get your Greek on!

The Washington Post, 05.14.11, “Into The Arms Of Anarchy”, page A1
The Washington Post, 05.14.11, “Into The Arms Of Anarchy”, continues page A5.

“Diskobolos”, 11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 960kb

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BLAST FROM YER PAST: Happy Birthday, “Sweet A16”

By mike flugennockSunday - April 25th, 2010Categories: Clintontime, DC Local, Economy, Globalization

moreworldA16hippie200x310This Was What Democracy Looked Like!

Time once again to fire up the old TARDIS, and dive into this action-packed day of gleeful antiglob frenzy at the IMF, World Bank, and all over downtown DC on April 16, 2000 — and, unlike the ’60s, if you can remember it, you were there!

In the Spring of 2000, Ralph Nader and the Green Party were calling bullshit on the Democrats and challenging their stranglehold on the US Left, the Democratic Party was pissing in its shoes, and the US Left couldn’t have been happier — as opposed to today, when the US Left is sitting on its hands, and the “progressives” couldn’t be happier to be marching over a cliff behind Barack Obama and his cult of personality.

This was a time when The Movement™ was riding high on a wave of energy and solidarity after its victory in the Seattle Rebellion, and was full of hope for bringing about change in our future — before the Democratic Party got its hooks into us. (D’oh, sorry; I just said “hope” and “change” there, didn’t I?)

While the Anticapitalathon’s scraggly gaggle is ignored by global capital and its fawning media, now would be a good time to remember more inspiring times — times when The Movement™ wasn’t afraid to protest against a Democratic Administration, times when The Movement™ wasn’t cowed and intimidated by the Democratic Party and the AFL-CIO.

Episode 1, 09:13:

Episode 2, 06:45:

Download mpeg4 files: Episode 1, 33.8mb; Episode 2, 27.6mb

A16 Poster Series, from January 2000

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The Spirit of ’99

By mike flugennockFriday - October 30th, 2009Categories: DC Local, Economy, Globalization, liberty

Holy jeez, gang, has it really been ten years already? Phew, now that really makes me feel old. Luckily for me, fiftysomething is the new thirtysomething…or something.

So, when I was asked to design the poster for the Seattle/WTO Tenth Anniversary event here in DC, there was only one thing to do — another parody of a famous work of art, in this case, a classic of Kitsch Americana, Archibald Willard’s iconic Spirit Of ’76, the hit of the show at the 1876 Columbian Exposition.


But, aaa-aaaanyway…the big do is on Monday, November 30, at Chief Ike’s Mambo Room in Adams-Morgan, 1725 Columbia Road NW, at 7pm; it’s a fund raiser for the Washington Peace Center and the Funk The War Alumni Association (for all you ex-college kids who are too old for SDS, but still want to get funky). There’ll be the obligatory drinking and party-mix grooves, of course. There’ll also be some vintage Seattle/WTO rebellion video running, because we really loves us some anarchy.

Medium-res jpg image, color, 1mb
Medium-res jpg image, grayscale, 792k

So, hit the copy shop, mix up the paste, grab your rollers, and hit the streets, kids, and I’ll see yer butts down at Chief Ike’s on N30!

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